Hi edeberjeois,
I have been struggling with weight loss for my entire life. Dieting for a few weeks, losing a few pounds only to fall off the diet and regain the weight. I understand the challenges you are facing and will face with your diet.
Anyway, a few years ago, I wrote a small book (around 40 pages) with suggestions for losing weight. It's available on Amazon (free if you have Amazon's kindle unlimited plan) https://www.amazon.com/My-Name-Tarb-Carboholic-Challenges-ebook/dp/B00D68BUP2. I also produce a series of daily motivational cards (each outlines something to consider that day and a challenge for the day) www.campltl.com. I'm working on an app/online version, but the printed ones are available.
If you message me your address, I'd be glad to send you a copy of either or both.
Good luck with your diet and I hope it is less painful than my struggles with food. Tarb