I order it off Amazon, this is the one I get. After a lot of reading, it seemed the most reputable.
After a lot of reading I opted for this one-
It has changed my numbers fairly significantly. I take 2 with lunch and 2 with my bedtime snack. I would definitely talk to your doc about it, but there are multiple studies (from credible sources) showing that it’s perfectly safe for pregnancy. Many women with PCOS take it to help them conceive as well. My NP didn’t recommend it just because I wasn’t already taking it prior to pregnancy, but my MFM doc was fine with it.
I take zazee and I order from Amazon. Started two months ago and have had a period show up in each month. Shortened my cycle from either no cycle or about 56 days to monthly within 42 in that amount of time. I take it and dchiro inositol. It has been the only change I've made thus far. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JZNCZI2/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_oeJIEbTTVQC3S
Are we the same person!?
After a ton of research and nearly shitting myself on Metformin I ended up trying a supplement I found on amazon. It's called inositol. I take myo-inositol and d-chiro inositol and it's changed my fucking life without losing weight. read the reviews on it it speaks for itself. I didn't wanna do birth control or metformin and this helped me while i got onto keto! I am not paid or anything even remotely close to that I just started this stuff in the summer and my doctor is over the moon about my blood result changes and I don't suffer from the facial hair but many reviews say it really helped theres. Worth a shot!
I have used this kind in capsule form: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JZNCZI2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
which was fine but serving size is 4 big pills, and that was going to get expensive, so I'm using this stuff now:
and I use about 1/4 teaspoon. It's just the inositol powder with no fillers, so I don't have to take 4 horse pills.
I should also add that Mirena changed my mood and caused me depression. It was such a slow, gradual change that built up over time, so I didn't notice it happening and it wasn't until I got it out that I realized I was just never feeling happy the whole time I was on it. So, check your mood. This was not even a reason I got off of it, because I didn't realize it was even a problem until it was gone.