>Buying a MyQ opener and using it off wifi is free forever using their own app.
That's just a garage door opener. The MyQ part is the added connectivity feature, which you cannot use on your local network without the cloud.
My Q also (and originally) comes in a stand-alone device that you connect to your third party garage door opener so that you can use the app. That becomes a paperweight once if they kill their api.
>It's the 3rd party integrations that they charge for, which seems pretty reasonable to me.
> for people that was a more premium/special setup like using their car, they charge a bit.
I would also find it reasonable if it was reasonably priced. It's not reasonably priced at all. They aren't charging a bit, they are charging more than twice the cost of the unit itself every year (https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Garage-Opener-Chamberlain-myQ-G0401/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=sr\_1\_2?keywords=my+q&qid=1671434359&sr=8-2)
If you order a lot from Amazon, get a Key device. This allows Amazon to deliver into your garage instead of leaving things on the porch. I have this one, and it is on sale for Cyber Monday. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Wow, $170 for that other suggestion. I have one of these and it's great. Can open/close from phone, tells you if it's open or closed, and can also set it to close at a certain time if you forget.
Obviously not going to light up and can't see it without opening an app, but maybe would work with your user case.
Its the guts of the smaller square from
But if the use case is truly just for the garage door, you'd be better off spending $30 and just put a MyQ system on it. You can not only confirm whether the door is open or closed, but you can actually control it to open or close, remotely if needed.
If this applies to you, Amazon has an in-garage delivery service called Amazon Key that I've been using for about a year now with very minimal issues.
The catch is you need to have a myQ smart garage opener or you need to buy and install their hub adapter for it them to access your garage. Also, you need to download their app and set up your address for Key deliveries. After that, you then get the option to select Key deliveries on item checkout.
It works really well and I've never had packages stolen or suspicious couriers poking around, but of course your mileage may vary.
Another thing to note is that in my experience, some items can't be delivered via Key, and you do (rarely) run into couriers who will lazily skip the extra step of opening/closing the garage and just drop the package off like normal.
I got this over black friday from amazon for $6: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_F9D7B839XTWQ37N9MFC6
Normal holiday pricing has been about $20 and if you use amazon garage delivery with it ONCE amazon will give you a $40 credit. The product is effectively free at that point 🤷🏽♂️
This is a no brainer
Sure thing:
myQ Chamberlain Smart Garage Control - Wireless Garage Hub and Sensor with Wifi & Bluetooth - Smartphone Controlled, New Design, myQ-G0401-ES, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_1AZ69Q3G0HNT41K2ZPYA
I got one for my Dad for Christmas a couple years ago and he loves it, too.
u/DanHas2 has an interesting contraption, but considering the myQ provides that functionality - and so much more - very reliably for less than $25 (was $16 over the Thanksgiving weekend, not bad as it was over $125 when it came out some years ago), I would recommend that to you.
You also get alerts for when opens/closes, you can open/close it from "far away" (app on your SmartPhone), you can allow Amazon to deliver inside garage via AMZ Key, etc. No monthly fee.
I've had one up and running now, old model, for two years, and it just works. I also allow AMZ to deliver inside the garage. Has worked brilliantly so far and every driver has truly checked and waited for the door to fully close before moving on to next house. The AMZ key feature can easily be turned off.
A wifi garage door opener. These started at $75+ a few years ago but are now $30. Open the door for a friend who needs to borrow something when you are away. Give all the kids access to open and close without buying more remotes. And check to make sure it is closed from your bedroom.
And it notifies you when it’s time to change the battery on the sensor.
Depending on the brand of your opener (and age), the MyQ is a great solution. VERY easy to set up and, if you have HomeKit, adaptable using the HomeKit hub or patching through with HomeBridge.
Mine’s an older Genie model (probably late 90s?). There’s a compatibility guide on the item page that you can use, seems like as long as it has a “learn” button it should work. Here’s the item page on Amazon.
MyQ is great. You can even setup automation with something like samsung smartthings hub to send alerts to your phone when garage open.
The MyQ Controller is only $20 too.
In March of this year, I set up a Chamberlain yellow learn button opener manufactured in the same era as yours with the Smart Garage Control unit (the one currently available for $24 on Amazon). It was pretty easy and still works just fine. The control unit just needs to be within range of your opener and have a decent wifi signal. I say give it a go. Note that setup requires you go through the app on your phone, and it's possible they could have updated the app with different logic since then, but it's still worth a try.
That footnote about yellow learn button devices manufactured between 2010 and 2021 was added to the website within the last 6 months. That exclusion wasn't there previously. The way it's worded feels like a legal exclusion rather than a technical one - my guess is there was some court case or settlement or something where someone sued Chamberlain and the result was they added some triple redundant safety feature starting with the 2022 models. This is why it says "not intended" rather than "not compatible."
Here's a copy of the myQ compatibility chart I had saved from earlier this year. Based on the tag in the bottom right corner, I believe this document was originally published in January 2022. It doesn't include any of the exclusion footnotes: https://imgur.com/TPEC1Ek
And here's the current version of that same chart with the new exclusion. The tag in the bottom corner implies this doc was updated in September 2022: https://imgur.com/4vCOtaz
These used to go on sale for like $17, I got two in Nov at two different times (beginning and end of Nov). Easy to setup. Was having some difficulty when adding the second sensor (2 separate doors), but a quick unplug resolved the issue.
I am like you, bad habit of leaving door open at night. You can add a schedule to close (not open), so I have mine set to close every night at like 9pm.
This is all you need
hmmm I like wyze but please make one like myQ which is 19.98 (in price as well and maybe design too) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=kfg_buynow?th=1
So just putting this out there. You can get MyQ garage controls for pretty darn cheap, and depending on what you're comfortable with, basically free, if not better than free.
It's $30 right now, but on sale all the time.
Then you set up amazon in garage delivery where amazon can deliver in your garage, and they give you a $30 credit. You can turn that off after the first one, or keep it on if you think that's an upgrade. (Basically do you trust the neighborhood more with packages out and about, or amazon let into your garage.)
For me it was worth being able to answer my wife's neurotic level of concern if the garage was left open alone. (Your Tesla can trigger it, but not tell you if your door is open or closed.)
We’re renting too! Not sure how much of this can be forced local but figured I’d mention some of what I’ve got so you know the possibilities.
The Reddit App creates links that don't work on PC browsers. Working link:
Yup that's the product. It's $51 cdn.
Chamberlain MYQ-G0401 - Wireless Smart Garage Hub and Contro https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_H2JBFCSM9CYCR9AEZDZ1
I was told by my installer I also needed this thing. But I wonder if that has changed and is no longer required.
LiftMaster MYQ 819LMB MyQ Home Bridge https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B075RQVSY7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_JJY69TWV9453NDSGZENF
myQ Chamberlain Smart Garage... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
FYI for anyone else, you can connect pretty much any garage door for $20.
I have this on mine and it's great.
$200 for a MyQ? You can now get a MyQ for $20.
Deal link: Amazon
just got one of these too, super cheap and easy to install. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Installed the MyQ garage opener. $30 and I can open my garage from my phone from anywhere.
Deal link: Amazon
Deal link: Amazon
Is this the one you're using? https://www.amazon.com/Smart-Garage-Opener-Chamberlain-MYQ-G0301/dp/B08GD3D9YJ?th=1
Deal link: Amazon (additional 15% off coupon on app)
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I use this to control my garage door
myQ Chamberlain Smart Garage Door Opener - Wireless Garage Hub and Sensor with Wifi & Bluetooth - Smartphone Controlled, New Design, myQ-G0401-ES, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SNPMGE8C7AF7WQD7B9Q8
Disclaimer I don't have my MY yet, ordered a few days ago, so I barely know what I'm talking about or even asking. What does the Homelink give you that a regular opener doesn't? Is it just cleaner integration? Is it something to do with Summon or Smart Summon?
The opener on my garage is from 1996, but it was nothing to add a $30 Chamberlain myQ hub thingy to it so I can operate my door via app, Alexa, IFTTT, etc... I also see that myQ has some kind of EVEConnect integration which seems to have something to do with Teslas specifically.
I wasn't planning on going the $300 Homelink route - any idea what I'll be missing out on if anything?
As an aside it's mind boggling to me that the myQ module with door sensor, bluetooth, RF, WiFi, light, siren, smarthome integration is only $30, virtually the exact same price as the chintzy Chamberlain keypad I added at the same time for "dumb" access from the exterior.
FYI I just bought this yesterday.
$30 and I’ll just program a GPS based Siri shortcut to open/close it.
Chamberlain MYQ-G0401-E... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ
I have not been able to find one for a genie that’s older than 1985. So far the oldest model I’ve found is this one that supports models as old as 1993
Deal link: Amazon
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I do not have any kind of hub, can I just order the garage door opener (https://smile.amazon.com/Smart-Garage-Opener-Chamberlain-myQ-G0401/dp/B08GD3D9YJ) and it will work?
Also, comments complain about a monthly subscription. Has this changed?
While this is a neat project, you can simply buy this for 30$
myQ Chamberlain Smart Garage Door Opener - Wireless Garage Hub and Sensor with Wifi & Bluetooth - Smartphone Controlled, New Design, myQ-G0401-ES, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GD3D9YJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9DSAYBBHCWWQD9N44GYJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1