I read about this before it was happening. I really wish I had the resources to get a bunch of those packets that make fire change color. Glue the packets into some books and throw them in. Then when the fire turned purple and green I'd scream "We've awoken the demons! Run for your soul!"
Go to a museum or a visual arts show of some kind, hang out on the beach, get some of these and go camping with your friends, take some MDMA or 4-FA and flip 2C-B on top of it to get a fractal shower on your face, unlimited options
Thanks. That even lists how hazardous each is.
I will have to do some research as to how to get a hold of these chemicals. I don't think I can just buy them at Walmart.
I know they sell color flame kit things on Amazon. I don't know if these would work.
Also what do you mean exactly in regards to soaking? What would the liquid base be?
The worst thing about those commercial fire color packets is that they contain PVC, which gives off nasty things when you burn it, like dioxins.
You can see the PVC listed as the third ingredient. I'd honestly worry more about that than the metals salts.
No, I bought a packet that you put in fire off of amazon that changes the color, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LM32QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_rycZAb49XHATW This was a long time ago, and I’m fine. I also did not cook over it.
Im watching hella you tube videos on this so a two options really, find or bring stones to put in a circle, dig a deep enough hole (doesnt seem the safest tbh), get one of these fire rings.
Bonus points, they have fire colorants <3
Why not eat a bunch of this shit and have your cremation glow rainbows!
These help
Mystical Fire Campfire Fireplace Colorant 0.882 oz Packets 12 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LM32QS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_jLhBxb99GAQS8
They're pouches filled with some sort of chemical. I got em' off amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008LM32QS
"mystical fire" pouches, you can get them here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008LM32QS