It's probably a pack of this stuff. My mom buys them and keeps them around for the grandkids. Mystical Fire Flame Colorant Vibrant Long-Lasting Pulsating Flame Color Changer for Indoor or Outdoor Use 0.882 oz Packets 6 Pack
This stuff is soo cool ! I’m an adult and loved it. Only use it after you’ve roasted marshmallows though
Mystical Fire Flame Colorant Vibrant Long-Lasting Pulsating Flame Color Changer for Indoor or Outdoor Use 0.882 oz Packets 6 Pack
Hmmm if it was a direct flame you could use something like this
which is just different chemicals that burn different colors. Not sure how to safely make flames shoot out though
You can buy packets of chemicals to make your fire pretty
You can buy fire color changing packets for like $1.50 from most stores that sell camping equipment, usually they're by the cash registers.
If you have lots of fires and think the colors are as awesome as I do you should look at this product. ( I am in no way shape or form endorsing this stuff) I have used it and thought it was cool.
Don't know why you got down voted, this is real. You can buy the packs off Amazon that you toss in the fire to get multicolored flames
there's tons of products that do that. toss chemical pack in fire it changes colors. most general stores like walmart have em, camping stores too, always got amazon.
Amazon link for the lazy: Mystical Fire Flame Colorant Vibrant Long-Lasting Pulsating Flame Color Changer for Indoor or Outdoor Use 0.882 oz Packets 6 Pack