Black God (Julian Baldick). This book is about the African origins of Christianity and Islam. So old religions from Africa.
The Rosicrucians (Christopher McIntosh). I like it when religion and the occult meet. This is interesting, but can be a bit ridiculous!
The Golden Bough (J G Fraser). This is the best book. Unless you get the abridged versions, it is pretty long and extensive. But! It’s lots of snippets of religions and cults and beliefs from all over the world. So you can dip in and out of this book over time. I read it sporadically over 3 years (it was my aeroplane/train book). It covers everything from weird Christian cults in Serbia, to voodoo and witch doctors in Africa, to peculiar beliefs in Bolivia, and magical cults in east Asia.
Myths of the World: A Thematic Encyclopaedia (Michael Jordan). Another collection from the world, but the myths are told. Some very short, some long. I remember one was about a goddess who sat on a rock and cut herself, and that’s why women have periods! As a woman, I found it very charming. I don’t think it’s in print anymore, but you can get it second hand at Amazon UK