I like this stock! I love her book!
Go buy her book, make it rocket up the Amazon bookseller chart: https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure-ebook/dp/B08XXXRH7T/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Trimbath&qid=1619112118&sr=8-1
This is not an affiliate link, just a plea for recognition of her great research
Do you have evidence of this not happening with Meta? 😃
Just kidding, of course not, since it’s how they operate. You’d need the blessing of the Families to launch a new company that wouldn’t be shorted from the get go. Hey you beautiful stranger reading this, grab a copy and go ham on it: https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure-ebook/dp/B08XXXRH7T
Or you can check out any number of Wes Christian / Susanne Trimbath interviews out there on YouTube.
The long of the short story just is - if you’re going long on a good company and don’t intend to day trade it or sell in a heartbeat for quick profits, I see very little reason in keeping your shares at the DTCC. Why stay in an abusive relationship in the first place when you can choose between an abusive and a normal one? DRS’ing is also kryptonite for the naked shorters.
But hey, that’s all I got time for today. Good convo, although I’m sure you realize it’s meant for anyone reading this thread, not you per se. 🙂 I don’t know you and definitely know better than to hate the player who might be in dire straits and gigs can be hard to come by, so no judgement from here. Send them these screengrabs with my love. ❤️👌🏻
Naked, Short and Greedy: Wall Street's Failure to Deliver
>This is of course after you catch-up on any of the AMAs, Dr. T's book, and the essential market related movies (MARGIN CALL, The Big Short, The Wall Street Conspiracy, Boiler Room, Wolf of Wall Street, etc.)
How are there no reviews on Amazon?
OK I've came back with the ~~Deep Discount~~ ~~Dollar Dollar~~ ~~Debbie Does~~ let's just call it DD.
> What does DRS for GME, also known the ticker symbol for GameStop mean to me as an individual investor?
See below.
> Can it do things like preventing my own investments being used against me by being loaned out to gigantic funds to manipulate the value of the company on a whim?
> Can it secure my investments by having the stock in my name giving me control over it instead of handing over control to a brokerage?
> DRS does stand for Direct Registration System right?
> I’ve heard great things about DRSing $GME.
Dr. Susanne Trimbath? This one?
I think she sells a great book here:
I believe her most famous work is called "Naked, Short and Greedy: Wall Street's Failure to Deliver" by Dr. Susanne Trimbath. There must be a reason Dr. Trimbath has a 5 star book on amazon.com, probably because it is so good that it earned five stars out of five stars.
That's fair.
And I encourage you to investigate the 361 FINRA disclosures of Goldman Sachs to see how they manipulate the US capital markets.
I also encourage you and everyone else to write to the SEC demanding action against fails-to-deliver. Several brokers are selling IOUs without ever purchasing real shares. Susan Trimbath's book is a good resource to understand more about that.
https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure-ebook/dp/B08XXXRH7T , what did you say ?