When using a clay bar alternative like this, do you apply it the same as you would a clay bar? Wet the surface with an auto detailing spray, then gently pass back and forth with the bar until it slides smoothly?
Just get something from a reputable brand. Meguiar's is good and readily available. Another option you have is using a Nanoskin sponge, which does the same thing as clay, but can be re-used and can be rinsed off if you drop it on the ground, where with clay, if you drop it that piece of clay is done.
Thanks! Just placed an order for the pressure washer and the lance/cannon you suggested instead of the one I had listed on my original post. Why Mr. Pink over Chemical Guys Maxi-Suds II?
Will I be putting the soap in the foam cannon only? Or should I be mixing the soap and water in the foam cannon? I read that for soap guns (not cannon/lances) you could just put the soap in the reservoir without water. Will it come with dilution ratio/measurements or will I have to know?
So I'm thinking, my detailing steps should be:
** Wouldn't having a foam gun or cannon/lance eliminate one of the buckets? For example, can't you foam, rinse, foam, wash mit (and use clean water bucket w/ grit guard, eliminating the need for the first bucket w/ soap)?
For the Nanoskin, will I be using the black or the blue side to decontaminate the cars? Is using the Maguire's Gold Class + Water from the 2 bucket wash in a spray bottle okay for lubrication during the nanoskinning? Or should I use the wash mitt to apply the soap on the car (I'm looking to limit the amount of water that is wasted since I'm in California with water restrictions).
Sorry for all the questions, I'm jumping into this and looking to make sure I do everything right. Investing ~$300+ is a lot of money only to mess things up!
My wallet hates me right now.. ;_;
I believe clay bar qualities are different. Just like with most stuff, generally the higher the quality, the more expensive it is. The cheaper ones I've worked with have streaked heavily and more often. Depending on the vehicles condition, and how often you detail, a clay bar can last a long time. This CLAYBAR is pretty cheap & plenty of people like it. For a clay sponge it does the job.
nanoskin care question:
So i got a nanoskin and did my car once a few weeks ago, regularly rinsing it out just in case. After i was done i noticed that it seems that the sticky side has deep embedded dirt now. Im scared of using it again however there are no new scratches on my paint (silver car anyway, very forgiving color)
So questions, is this wear 'normal? how to make sure it is clean and usable? how do i store the nanoskin until next time?
It is an 05. Paint is in decent condition but a lot of contamination. It was sitting under a sap tree for 2 years. I spent about an hour claying the hood and it removed maybe 70% but there was a lot of stuff. I was using chemical guys clay.
Thank you..glad you said something :)
It’s a synthetic clay.
AUTOSCRUB Fine Grade Sponge [AS-019] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CUAWJ6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Mx3gFbP1K5215
They do have a whole mitt version too. But I’ve found for sedans this is good enough
On second thought, try synthetic clay. It works just as well, if not better, than real clay and it will last much longer: AUTOSCRUB Fine Grade Sponge [AS-019] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CUAWJ6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0PXB1YM4J7MRVXMZ2Q08
I like the nano skin clay sponge and love it. I might try the not or towel, but the sponge kicks ass.
AUTOSCRUB Fine Grade Sponge [AS-019] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CUAWJ6G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YigJFbTHD9735
I would swap that clay mitt for this:
Can you feel anything when you move your fingers over it? It may be worth asking r/AutoDetailing. Another option is to use a nanoskin which works like a clay bar.
Yes you can use that one, I actually have this one. I bought a two pack in case something happens with one so I'll have one on hand.
The interior was easy. Vacuum, wiped down with Nextzett Cockpit Premium, and dressed some parts with 303. The only bad thing was I was vacuuming in the sun, so it was hot af. The paint had oxidation, but the owner didn't have much time so I only washed it and sealed it with Sonax Polymer Net Shield.
I personally have only used the Nanoskin sponge to decontaminate my car. It's a highly recommended clay alternative.
As for a sealant/wax, I'm not sure if my recommendations will be of any use since I just started detailing my own car over the last ~6 months. I have only tried one wax (Meguiar's Ultimate Liquid Wax) and one sealant (Opti-Seal). Longevity of the Ultimate Liquid Wax wasn't great IMO. I'd look into Collinite 845 since it's highly regarded and there are plenty of tips/tricks on how to use it.
Honestly, easiest solution may be go to with CarPro Essence or HD Speed. I don't think there are any special tips/tricks on how to use Essence or HD Speed, and both will allow you to polish and seal your paint in one step. Admittedly, I haven't looked into either much, but they are next in line for me to research.
Sounds like you need a clay bar. Or my favorite, a Nanoskin sponge.
To be honest, I'm not knowledgable enough to know which products are equivalent to which clays. I do know that the one I use is this one.
I was actually looking into getting the Nanoskin version of this and I am so scared of it instilling swirls into my paint. Somebody please help me make a decision, I need some pros / cons.