Highly recommend this lab notebook! It's what I used as a research assistant in undergrad. Pages are large, thick, and have grid lines allowing for great organization! Also made out of 100% recycled material :)
Seriously, i submit for your approval
And before you scoff and sat pshaw! I remind you that a paper notebook, properly dated and attributed, will never suffer a data loss, and will get preferential treatment as documentation used to substantiate patent applications and to defend litigation. (Now speaking in his best Our Parents voice) Why you kids don't write stuff down is beyond me...
You want this - https://www.amazon.com/National-Computation-Notebook-Inches-43648/dp/B00007LV4B
The paper is thick, and takes ink well. The pages are numbered, it's graph paper, there's space for a header.
You'll have to make your own table of contents, and footer.
I used it in my lab at my first job, and bought a few for personal use.
It's not long ruled and I'm not sure how budget friendly it is for you, but while I was in college majoring in a hard science, I used this with a fp just fine:
(Non-affiliate link)
My PI bought a box of them from somewhere, so I'm sure it's possible to buy them in bulk for savings.
At the same time, I used Exacompta (a Clairefontaine/Rhodia brand) Basic Forum Journal as my diary with 200 smooth as butter sheets at 64g. While thin, it plays phenomenally well with watercolor and inks. I would recommend you purchasing a cover for it as it is a refill journal.
Nice! I'll try to find a local/easy to access supplier for them!
Edit: for anyone else trying to find them, amazon.com stocks them but they are back ordered right now. https://www.amazon.com/National-Computation-Notebook-Inches-43648/dp/B00007LV4B and it appears to ship to Canada!
What paper/notebook is that? I picked up some National Brand computation notebooks for class but I have yet to find good quad ruled loose leaf
I agree with those mentioning to take a notebook. This is the one I use in my research. Observe and listen. then ask. Write everything down. Your homework for the first few days will be to google anything (technique, equipment, concepts, jargon etc.) that comes up you're not familiar with. What a great opportunity, have fun! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007LV4B?ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00&redirect=true&psc=1&pldnSite=1
I just looked. That shit's gotten expensive!
Edit: Last place I worked, they used these (a bound version of the E2).
Highly recommend National Brand's Computation Notebook, 43-648.
It's ~10$, and is filled with the grid paper mentioned by OP.