I had a spider mite outbreak in fall. It was a such a headache to research and to deal with!
I used this Natria spray on half of my infected plants- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PF1K32J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_FV6X5HJA0Z9DY7N6DD3G
And Bonide Neem oil spray on the other half. Just to see if one worked better. I prefer the Natria.
The day before treating, I put all of my plants in the tub and sprayed them thoroughly with the shower head. I kept my plants in the tub overnight and the next day I treated them.
I used a small, rough-ish, makeup brush, sprayed alllll the foliage, (top and undersides of the leaves, as well as the stems) then used the brush to really sweep it across the leaves and get down into the 'crotch' of the stems. I didn't rinse, and I repeated treatment a week later. Most only needed 2 treatments, others needed 3.
--The plants lived in my bathroom away from all my other plants (and any direct light) until I was certain they were bug free. (About a month later). I hope this helps.