Before you all jump on the circle jerk that will be these comments. Dogs can as long as it is done right. Too many vegans cook or share their own meals which will get their dog in troubles because dogs need to meet a certain nutrient requirement outlined by regulatory bodies (AAFCO). And unfortunately some people don’t understand what their body needs regardless of if they are vegan or not. Some of those people become vegans and feed their pet with the same lack of knowledge. This get’s them and their pet in trouble.
Dog can function fine if on a dog food that meets AAFCO nutrient requirements. There is even a vegan dog who lived 26 years named Bramble.
My dog’s have been on a vegan diet for 5 years now. They were originally on V-Dog but now they eat Natural balance. I get blood work done every other year. My vet was completely ok as long as the dog food was to meet the nutrient requirements for AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profile. Almost as important as feeding your dog this nutrient profile is exercise, have a fit dog for the fuel to do it’s work. Every visit to the vet I get the comment that “these are the healthiest pugs I have seen.”
Here is the dog food:
It’s funny how carnists become so concerned about the well being of an omnivore when they hear it has meat removed from it’s diet, but endlessly fisting, torturing, and slitting their throats, that’s A-O fucking K because “meh tastebuds”.
It’s literally a different kibble. How can anyone in good faith say this is nutritionally worse than a generic dog food with who knows what kind of fillers?
I would switch my mom's dog over to that, but the Natural Balance is so much cheaper ($1.66/lb vs $2/lb), and she is quite poor. The ingredients on the V-Dog do seem a bit better though.
I think natural balance is on the cheaper side for dog foods, I've used it and had no issues. Subscribing on Amazon also gets 15% off.
Evolution is a bit pricier but they have a small sale on it if you call in to order on the first Wednesday of the month.
I agree. And it's just an anecdote but apparently the oldest dog in the world is a 27 year old vegan Border Collie. I feed my dogs Natural Balance Vegetarian, which is actually vegan as far as I know.
I fed my dogs vegetarian food for about a year. They were fine with it healthwise but didn't seem to really like it all that much. It was kind of a pain to order online and sometimes I run out before I can get another bag. Similar to what others said, I made the choice to be vegetarian. My dogs didn't. They are SO much happier to get treats etc with meat in it. I should note they were completely vegetarian with me until their babysitter gave them bacon strips... and seemed to love him way more than me.... I admit I bought some treats to try and win their love back because I'm horrible. Their lives are so much shorter than mine, I figured they should indulge sometimes and be happy. I buy Natural Balance Vegetarian Dry Dog Formula.
Many dogs are vegetarians because of meat sensitivities. Dogs can more easily be fed vegetarian/vegan than cats. natural balance vegetarian forumla Also, most pet food is actually scraps off the slaughterhouse floors. Trucks come by to pick up "meat not fit for human consumption" to be made into pet food. Most vegans don't consider adopting animals as slavery. And we prefer not to say we own them, they own themselves, we just care for them and treat them with dignity and respect.
Before you have your dog go vegan/vegetarian check with your vet.
Some dogs, just like some people, will need extra attention after going meat free. Some dogs might also be grain intolerant!
I know natural balance(vet recommended brand) has a vegetarian canned dog food. I've got a chihuahua and she tends to go on hunger strike in the middle of a veg can more than any other variety. Each can usually lasts 4-5 days. Nothing bad happens to her in the short term on the veg food. If anything it's the least hard on her stomach judging from poop quality.
So I mean, you can feed them commercially available dog food that's just as balanced as normal dog food. You might have a dog with grain intolerance which mean these veggie formulas likely won't work out for you, but if you consult with your vet before switching over they can tell you what to look out for.
Edit: Here are some amazon links if you want to read up on this brand or the food.
I get it from a local place, though, so it's a few dollars cheaper than Amazon.
my dog prefers this vegan dog food i get from amazon.
I have dogs on vegan diet. I got blood work before and after. Here is the dog food I use
I have also tried v dog but unfortunately it is not available to Canada any longer.
I have "the healthiest toy breeds" my vet as ever seen.
To learn more about one of the longest lived vegan dogs 25+ years there is a book on the dog with some diet information.
Cats on the other hand I'd be uncomfortable with switching. They have not had the omnivorous relationship as tied to what we eat.
I believe it's this brand, the bag looks familiar.
Yea that's a no from me
Think I'll stick with what's working and listen to my vet instead of a random Reddit dumbass
Aww, poor baby :(
With such serious conditions, I'm not saying that you need to feed your dog veg, but it couldn't hurt to maybe look into it and see if it's something that might also work? That's your decision though. It could also maybe help you figure out if he is having a reaction to something due to the meat in the prior foods you had given him, or maybe plant based food ]when trying veg food? At least you might be able to narrow it down if you gave a veg food a shot.
Natural Balance is an all vegan dog food made by a company that also makes meat based dog foods. Fairly good reviews and I don't think they would market it if they knew dogs couldn't be vegetarian.
V dog is also another brand of vegan dog food and I saw them at a vegfest I attended.