I would say the feeling of clogged for me is over 60% better. It has helped greatly. But because of how sick I am and the way my life has gone, my certain symptoms take a long time to heal. Its just the way it is, and I have peace with that. Taking many years to heal is better than losing my life. I dont stop using MM info because it works.
My healing timeline is most likely very different from yours. We cant compare the length of time it takes others to heal because everyone is not sick the exact same way. You could heal much quicker than me or not. There is so many factors that go into each persons healing journey.
The health practitioners charge different amounts. Some more than others.
How do I know I have nerve damage? Because I have not been able to speak to most people the past 5 years using my mouth and jaw. My jaw dislocates, and the muscles and nerves required to speak are weak and damaged from virus flares. I cant even leave my room that much due to the damage the viruses have done to my body, and due to how sensitive I am to toxins. If you know what ALS/MS is, those are the best conventional medicine explanations for what my symptoms are. Thats the easiest way to give others a grasp at my symptoms.
I have HSV1 & 2, HHV6, Shingles, which are all viruses that attack the nerves each time they flare. Once they get bad enough, they can create the total central nervous system shut down that we see with conditions like ALS,MS.
I have healed so much. I can walk around to make my meals, and I can maintain a small garden. I still cant have conversations with people because my neck and jaw has the most nerve damage. But I can type on the computer much more and do much more than before. Each year that goes by I am more healed, and I hope to live a normal life after more years eating using MM info.
This is the honey he used that live and recommends: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IR6IZZA/
This is the coconut water (only the glass bottled premium taste nirvana coconut water): https://www.amazon.com/Taste-Nirvana-Coconut-Premium-Bottles/dp/B01HI6Y6IK