If she likes bird, this acrylic bird feeder hangs on your window so you can watch birds come and go, and would be great for a dorm room as it's easily removable.
I think the dumpling plush is also a cute idea.
Limited-time deal: Nature's Hangout Clear Window Bird Feeder Weatherproof Bird House, Window Bird Feeders with Strong Suction Cups, Large Outdoor Bird Feeder, Great Bird Watching Gifts for Seniors, Wild Bird Feeders https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00YSU3WG2/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_dl_G2FE0VDA2837CB2DZS2D
Its great! I love it
I have a couple squirrel busters out which are really good because its hard to chuck out large amounts of seed (as some birds will dig to get to what they want) so it lasts longer.
I also have two of these. They are great! (took a little while for the birds to figure it out but its so cool watching them up close)
You could try a windowsill feeder like this from Amazon. (Has a crazy amount of positive ratings). I am impressed with the security of the suction cups.
Best Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups & Seed Tray, Outdoor Birdfeeders for Wild Birds, Finch, Cardinal, Bluebird, Large Outside Hanging Birdhouse Kits, Drain Holes + 3 Extra Suction Cups https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00YSU3WG2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_03RGCbBKQWP66
I am pretty new to bird feeders and birding myself. My current setup is this feeder and I just buy black oil sunflower seeds. Try to make sure they look relatively fresh.
I live in a rural area in the woods so I think that helps, but this is what I've seen visit the feeder in Virginia in a couple of months:
Seems to have pretty good reviews.
How is this one by comparison? Seems to have everything you said. https://www.amazon.com/Natures-Hangout-Removable-Acrylic-Guaranteed/dp/B00YSU3WG2/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1510712295&sr=8-6&keywords=clear+bird+feeder&dpID=512wxhhkm9L&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
We set up one of these for our crow buddies to hang out at our window. Lets the dog and birds socialize even when the window is closed.