> Every corporation is doubly taxed.
That's not true (google "pass-through corporation"), and irrelevant. My point is that not all companies are corporations.
It's super easy to have you company earn "zero dollars." Just pay yourself more salary from company funds.
>Eating is DIRECTLY needed to have energy which allows you to work.
EATING is needed regardless of if you work or not. Commuting is ONLY needed for work and no other purpose.
But yeah, I would not be opposed to basic living expenses to also be deductible (but that's another CMV.)
>Have you ever taken a deduction on your taxes?
Yes, all the time. It's super easy to keep track of expenses in digital age: https://www.amazon.com/NeatReceipts-Mobile-Scanner-Digital-Filing/dp/B001CQDOMM?th=1
>Otherwise what's stopping you from buying lottery tickets at the gas station and deducting those?
Lottery tickets are deductible against any lottery winnings. If you buy a lottery ticket - it's a good idea to track it. https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc419.html
> The personal exemption
Sure, for some it's OK. But if your actual expenses exceed the exemption - you are screwed. Personal exemption is largely a trap for poor people who are too inexperienced to itemize.