The 'Polish Death Camp' thing is a red herring, no one holds the poles responsible for Auschwitz. However, as this bill is trying to hide, there was a large wave of anti-semitic activity in Poland, perpetrated by Poles against their Jewish neighbors without and in some cases against the orders of their Nazi occupiers. If anyone wants to read more about it there's an excellent book about the massacre in Jedwabne called Neighbors. This wave of pogroms is but a small chapter of a long history of pogroms and anti-Semitic attitudes of the Poles.
The link is not for you, but for the reader of this thread. Your reply is the same reply that you decry when it comes from Ukraine vis a vis Polish victims of WW2.
Next time some Pollack American start shitting out their mouth about how proud they are of their historically-put-upon people, refer them to the story of Jedwabne
There's a great book that documents the destruction of the Jewish population of a Polish town called Neighbors.
We also watched a movie in one of our classes called Aftermath. It's not the greatest of production quality, but is chilling, and focuses on the exact issue this article talks about.
(1) Your ding-dong video comes from Representative Press, a clearinghouse for all kinds of nuttery, including 9/11 conspiracy nonsense.
(2) In the video you posted, NOTHING is said about the number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. She does, however, express that she personally has no problems with the level of power/representation that American Jews have. Shulamit Aloni has many criticisms of Israel's policies towards Palestine (as many of us do), but she has never questioned the Holocaust.
(3) By the mid-20th century, European nations, including Germany, Poland, France, Hungary and others, kept fairly accurate censuses which included racial and religious breakdowns. From this data, we know that there were approximately nine million Jews in pre-war Europe. Post-war census as well as immigration data pegs that number at three million. This corresponds very well with the number of Jews known to have died in Nazi camps (they did keep incredibly meticulous records) as well as the deaths of Jews at the hands of non-Nazis (please read Jan Gross' Neighbors for more information on this).
In summation, you present no real evidence, and your claims contravene the massive pile of real, hard evidence, along with the large amount of anecdotal evidence from all sides, which accurately claim that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.
I have a book on this subject I still haven't read
You might like Neighbors or Into that Darkness if that sort of book interests you
Sure, happy to substantiate that claim. Here's a book for you. It's an in-depth look at an example of what I'm talking about.
There's no "definitive" take on Polish involvement in WW2. There were heroes and there were villains, as with all nations. But the fact of the matter is that the Poles were involved in the extermination of their own Jewish communities--it wasn't just the Germans. FWIW, a lot of the violence by Poles against Jews happened before the extermination camps were set up, but that violence was part and parcel of the Holocaust.
The Poles did not create the Shoah, but there are enough stories of broad communal involvement that I shouldn't have to seek out examples for you. But here's one: