I feel like every plant lover should have a set if these. Or if you don't know what to get your plant loving friend... Get them these.
I find awesone pots all the time for cheap at ross, or goodwill, then just drill my own holes! Free yourselves from the agony of a beautiful pot at a great price with nooo holeeesss.
I have this bit set which was super cheap on Amazon, and I have used those to put drainage holes in TONS of ceramic pots! It's super easy, I spray water on them to keep the temp down while drilling, and take it at a medium speed.
My tip for starting the hole (that's the hard part), is to start at an angle, get a groove in it, and slowly tilt the drill up until the circle is flat on the surface. I haven't broken or cracked one yet. :)
If you do decide to drill your own hole, these drill bits have worked well for me!
I’ve used them on a handful of different kinds of pots (ceramic, stone, clay, etc.) and never broken a pot. Start slow and either have the pot submerged in water or pour water over the area as you’re drilling to prevent the drill bit from getting too hot and cracking the pot.
Good luck! Very cute pot!
I used porcelain tile in my kitchen and tried masonry bits at first. I didn't get very far.
I didn't want to spend a lot, so I looked for something cheap on Amazon. I got these diamond tipped drill bits and they worked better than the carbide drill bits. I was able to get the 10 holes that I needed, https://www.amazon.com/Neiko-00823A-Diamond-Drill-Piece/dp/B00ODSS5NO/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=diamond+porcelain+bits&qid=1628868044&sr=8-9.
I just drilled my own holes for the first time yesterday! I was in the same spot, so many pretty pots but no drainage. I bought this set off Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Neiko-00823A-Diamond-Drill-Piece/dp/B00ODSS5NO/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=diamond+drill+bits&qid=1564513905&s=gateway&sprefix=diamond+dri&sr=8-3 I drilled 3 different pots yesterday and it was super quick and easy. The world will be your oyster!
I use a diamond drill bit I got on Amazon last year. There are some good instructional videos on YouTube. Basically, use water to cool and lubricate, start drilling at an angle and slowly straighten up. Goes through pottery really easily. Here is the bit set I purchased, but I only use the 1/2" bit, so you can probably find it alone.
Neiko 00823A Diamond Grit Hole Saw Drill Bit Set, 5 Piece | 5/32" - ½" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ODSS5NO/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apap_TyK2cBRyuQOZt
I got these diamond coated drill bits for like $10 that work like a charm. I drilled the initial hole which was too small, but because the bit is coated on the sides, you can expand it gradually. I love them and highly recommend them.
Then, there's how I was able to get it in at an angle. I made the hole and ellipse, not a circle, because I'm not using a grommet to seal it and the intersection of a cylinder and a plane at an angle i an ellipse. Then, because these drill bits can almost be used like dremel bits, I just went along the edges at the angle I wanted.
It takes about a minute to make the hole, but for a hobby project won't be that bad. I linked to the first one I found.
it doesn't have to be pricey! I got this set on amazon recently and it has worked wonderfully for me. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ODSS5NO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My two cents: I use this technique with drill bits like these.
Basically what u/ravekitt was saying. :)
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NEIKO 00823A Diamond Hole Saw - 5-Piece Diamond D… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
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You can get special bits on amazon. Like these https://www.amazon.com/Neiko-00823A-Diamond-Drill-Piece/dp/B00ODSS5NO/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=drill+glass&qid=1569519750&s=gateway&sr=8-6
Here ya go. You’ll want something like this
The 1/2” works best for me. You’ll need water to drill with it. I did it over a towel so it didn’t get messy.
Also start at a 45 degree angle and work up to a 90 degree.
I too am working through that book -- it's been excellent so far. It prompted me to try ugly construction for the first time too. I have gotten so tired of waiting for PCBs when I just want to try something, and breadboards don't cut it.
I picked up some of the little diamond hole saws on Amazon, and have been drilling out islands in the copper, or making little PCB circles I can glue down as islands. Ends up like this and this.
It hasn't stopped me from designing PCBs when I feel like I know what I want. But for playing around with frequencies that aren't breadboard-happy, it's been great!
I used diamond drill bits. Bought them off amazon. There’s different packs of different sizes and amounts but I bought this one https://www.amazon.com/Neiko-00823A-Diamond-Drill-Piece/dp/B00ODSS5NO
I believe it was the largest one from this set -
Neiko 00823A Diamond Grit Hole Saw Drill Bit Set, 5 Piece | 5/32" - ½" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ODSS5NO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_huV5Db4AGWM88
What type of planter is it that you’re worried about breaking? I’ve recently begun to thrift store shop for fun planters; and I use this technique with drill bits like these to drill holes. So far, coffee mugs are easy peasy, and I’ve done one glazed ceramic pot as well.
Will this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ODSS5NO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 hole saw set fit directly onto a tool like this https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-BDCS20C-Lithium-Ion-Rechargeable/dp/B00TM2T9C2/ref=sr_1_1?s=power-hand-tools&ie=UTF8&qid=1478632498&sr=1-1 without any other drill bits or adapters? I plan to make holes in glass with this.
No! I have owned this exact same bong! It was listed for 50$ at my local head shop, but the guy gave it to me for 40$, when that was all the cash on me. If you have around 60$ to spend, you could get a much better bong, or even build one yourself. All you need is 10$ glass drill bit and the same stem in the bong you listed. Lastly, add any glass bottle around the house, and you have a bong half the price, same parts. Example.