I use this Netgear modem
NETGEAR Gigabit Cable Modem (32x8) DOCSIS 3.1 | For XFINITY by Comcast and Cox. Compatible with Gig-Speed from Xfinity (CM1000) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_ieJaglniBaRV7
Paired with an Eero Pro mesh network
Is this it from Amazon? They have a 1000 and 2000 Mbps.
NETGEAR Cable Modem CM1000 - Compatible with All Cable Providers Including Xfinity by Comcast, Spectrum, Cox | for Cable Plans Up to 1 Gigabit | DOCSIS 3.1, Black (CM1000-1AZNAS) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_M87C6BD5ZQSVQN7EYHHC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Your modem is a 4x4. 4 download channels and 4 uploads channels. That is very limiting, with recent advancements in tech. You're going to want to get a 32x8 modem, that's 32 download and 8 upload. No matter what your speed is, your connection is going use all the channels that are available to it. I highly recommend getting a Netgear CM1000 as it's also a Docsis 3.1, but you can get the CM700 which is Docsis 3.0 if you want to cheap out a bit.
How about this modem? NETGEAR Cable Modem CM1000netgear cm1000
Also - whole house is not wired for Ethernet - are mesh systems useless if you can’t have Ethernet running to each access point?
If it’s not too much of a hassle would you mind proving me with a link or a name of the product I should buy? I’ve never really bought these and always just fine with what the WiFi provider has given us in the past.
I was thinking of purchasing this to replace the main modem and trying to see if that might solve the issue?
NETGEAR Cable Modem CM1000 - Compatible with All Cable Providers Including Xfinity by Comcast, Spectrum, Cox | for Cable Plans Up to 1 Gigabit | DOCSIS 3.1, Black (CM1000-1AZNAS) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_V89V2Z71CB5QP1QQ1Y96?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
NETGEAR Cable Modem CM1000 - Compatible with All Cable Providers Including Xfinity by Comcast, Spectrum, Cox | For Cable Plans Up to 1 Gigabit | DOCSIS 3.1, Black (CM1000-1AZNAS) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Ty3NFbCTE0W8Z
Not voice though. It’s tough to find ones like that sometimes
It maybe that the comcast modem in bridge mode is giving out a address and the UDM pro also has the default address of You will need to change one device to a different network. You could use the blue tooth app to change the UDM pro to and that should fix it. Also to get around the comcast bridge mode issue you can get our own modem and that is the best way to get the internet address to the WAN. I use a NETGEAR Cable Modem CM1000 - Works with XFINITY from Comcast (not compatible with Cable bundled voice services) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_mioTDbBKEN573
As others have said, there's no such thing as BIFL electronics. If their protocols aren't uselessly outdated, they would be underpowered for demands that have increased year after year.
Might you post what you're using now? Having to reset a router is not uncommon as it's not the most high end hardware in those things. You might just have a crappy router.
If you're future proofing I'd suggest a DOCSIS 3.1 compliant modem. And then get whatever wifi router your devices support. N, AC, are you an early adopter of AX, goodness forbid you're still on G.
First up, get your own modem. Unless you need 1000 megabit speeds from a DOCSIS 3.1, modem a 3.0 modem should be more than fast enough. This cheaper one will pay for itself in months. A 3.1 model in a year.
Second, check the comcast website for their year contracts. They will be cheaper than non-contract if you're not moving in the next 12 months.
And while you're on that site, look at lower bandwidth tiers. Do you really need all you're paying for? 15 Mbit is more then enough for a single HD video stream. Is your household watching 3 different streams at once? Do you need that game from Steam to download in 20 minutes or are you ok letting it go overnight? I'm the techie one in my family and I'm on a lower tier because more would be wasteful.
This one is my personal recommendation!
NETGEAR Gigabit Cable Modem (32x8) DOCSIS 3.1 | for XFINITY by Comcast, Cox, Spectrum. Compatible with Gig-Speed from Xfinity (CM1000-1AZNAS) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Ryl7BbNRFQ4J9
I'm on mobile so apologies for the full links. But these are what I would get if I was a just trying to stream or using my phone in a bedroom.
This works great with my Netgear Orbi and Comcast Gigabit internet.
I ended up buying my own modem + router. I now get a rock-solid ~500Mbps on the 400Mbps plan. It is pretty spendy but it pays for itself after a year or two of not paying their rent.
Do get a good modem and router such as:
Absolutely. I haven't had a company supplied modem in 15 years.
Modems come in several versions, capable of different maximum supported speeds. The CM1000 is what I would buy if I wanted a modem only (and still needed to supply my own router): https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Cable-Modem-CM1000-Compatible/dp/B0781VN7W5/
At the rate suddenlink leases their equipment, this model pays for itself in two years.
If I was shopping for a combo unit (modem & router/wifi) I would look very closely at something like https://www.amazon.com/MOTOROLA-MG8702-MU-MIMO-Approved-Xfinity/dp/B08DL4QB25 . I don;t have gigabit service so I haven't looked into it but this seems like a capable device.
Thank you for your help! The modem I had been looking at was the NETGEAR CM1000, would you say the Arris SB8200 is better, and if so why? When it comes to routers I was looking at the ASUS RT-AX3000, do you have any opinions on this one? Thanks again and I'm looking forward to your input.
This is a modem Xfinity specifically supports and works well. If you are in an area that has bandwidth caps and want unlimited internet with Xfinity you have to use their modem.
NETGEAR CM1000 - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0781VN7W5
Supports their gig plan.
Make sure you have a top end modem and router. The modem should be ok (as long as it's 32x8), if you want your own you can get: https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Cable-Modem-CM1000-Compatible/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=netgear+cm1000v2&qid=1598380421&sr=8-1
As for routers there are a lot of options but Google Nest Wifi is pretty much set it and forget it and will get you 400-500mbps on AC wireless: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/google-nest-wifi-ac2200-mesh-system-router-and-point-2-pack-snow/6382512.p?skuId=6382512
Alternatively you can get with Asus: https://www.amazon.com/RT-AX88U-Dual-Band-Aiprotection-Lifetime-Compatible/dp/B07HM6KJN8/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=asus+ax+router&qid=1598380491&sr=8-2
Depending on your requirements and budget. I currently have the CM1000V2 modem with Google Nest wifi on Spectrum and it works well.
Ok thanks. Now Im confused though, I found these 2 CM1000 modems on Amazon at 2 different prices but they seem to be the same exact thing. Am I missing something?:
Okay, so the Wi-Fi AP functionality of your Xfinity-provided DOCSIS gateway is crap, and possibly the entire box is crap (it may be that when you lose Wi-Fi, it's because your entire DOCSIS gateway has crashed and is rebooting). This is not terribly surprising. As a general rule, all ISP-provided equipment is lowest-bidder crap. Also, as a general rule, any all-in-one box that includes both broadband modem functionality (DOCSIS or DSL) and Wi-Fi AP functionality, is crap at one of them.
So if you want buy some quality hardware that will be fast and reliable, plan to buy a modem-only DOCSIS 3.1 modem (should have NO Wi-FI support, and only one single Ethernet LAN port; otherwise it's not a plain DOCSIS modem, it's actually a multifunction "DOCSIS gateway"), and then connect its LAN port to the WAN part of a good-quality Wi-Fi home gateway router.
I like the Netgear CM1000 for the modem, and the Netgear R7800 (Nighthawk X4S, AC2600 class) for the wireless router. Both of those devices are known to support Smart Queue Management (SQM) which helps keep lag (ping time) to a minimum, even when you're maxing out your Internet connection speed, without having to fuss with using QoS mechanisms to prioritize some traffic over others.
When researching DOCSIS cable-modems or -gateways to buy, make sure to avoid any that use the crappy Intel Puma 6 chipset, which is known to have terrible latency problems. See the list at BadModems.com. If you're not sure which chipset a give cable modem/gateway uses, and it's not on the badmodems.com list but you still want to be sure, see if someone has documented that cable modem on WikiDevi.
If you only need WiFi for a small portion of the home then you could go with a cheaper WiFi router. This involves putting the CM1000 into bridged mode and using the second box as your router.
You want something like this: https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-download-Compatible-Gig-Speed-CM1000-1AZNAS/dp/B0781VN7W5/
This will allow you to get their gigabit plan.
Less than $200 for a modem; less than $100 for a router.
Here is one modem I was looking into: https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-download-Compatible-Gig-Speed-CM1000-1AZNAS/dp/B0781VN7W5/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1520468095&sr=8-5&keywords=gigabit+modem+docsis+3.1
I have an Asus RT-AC3200 Tri-band router which is awesome. I'm sure any similar router would do you well. For the modem, I have an ARRIS SB6190 docsis 3.0. I pay for 150 and regularly achieve ~180.
If you ever want to use their gigablast or whatever, I'd invest in a docsis 3.1 modem like this one. https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Gigabit-XFINITY-Compatible-Gig-Speed/dp/B0781VN7W5