It might take a month or so to get sorted out, but trust me and you will have options in the future.
You might need to look into a phone service 4G LTE Broadband Modem router to hold you over.
I'm not running it with a pi zero, but I don't see what the issue would be if you had a network hat for it since I know it works on a 4b running as a jump box in our projects. I also run one as a fail over for persistent access in my home network and works great.
Just found a used Netgear LB1120 on Amazon for ~$95 so I went ahead and ordered it. I'm going to give it a shot with the T-Mobile pay as you go plan you linked to. Thanks again for the info!
It won’t be a phone, but it would be a modem (I said router and that’s not entirely accurate) that has 4g lte support and put the sim card in that.
I haven’t tested it but it should work
Netgear 4G/LTE Modem- $75
Used this little guy with T-Mobile as our ISP for the last year. Works great I just upgraded to their Home Internet that came with it's own 5G modem.
I just set this up with google fi using a netgear 4g lte modem
Works perfectly over ethernet, no USB needed. Set up one of the ports on the fwg as another wan port and fail over as described in the instructions firewalla posted.
Note that the google fi sim does not natively fit in the netgear modem. You need a sim adapter kit.
Wife’s friend bought a house out in the country and Blazing Hog was their best option. Blazing Hog sent a 4G netgear modem with their sim pre installed. I walked around the house with my laptop connected running speed tests to find the optimal location. They were able to get ~15 down and 10up. You will need to bring your own router and WiFi.
I also bought the same Netgear 4g modem to upgrade from an ATT MiFi at work with a simple SIM card swap. The modem has strong internal antennas don’t buy external antennas for it off of amazon. I have tried several and they don’t work.
NETGEAR 4G LTE Modem - Instant Broadband Connection | Works with AT&T and Alternate Carriers (LB1120)
I use a Netgear 4g modem and a small router (Anonobox) for this exact purpose. The pi runs OpenAuto for Android Auto and various scripts to do CAN bus communication.
Here is the modem
I made a regulated power supply to power it with a cheap buck-boost converter from Amazon. You can't power it directly from the vehicle because once the alternator is running the car's voltage reaches 14.7v and is noisy. Not good for electronics.
I have actually seen this scenario presented in this subreddit a few times before. Exactly the same situation with phase 1 having internet and phase 2 waiting on internet.
You are basically tits out until an ISP decided there are enough houses to justify running their lines.
I would look into temporary solutions such as WiFi routers that accept a phone sim card to distribute internet.
I'm surprised this works for you.
Here's the first Question and answer talking about this.
Will this work with a t-mobile sim card? Answer:If your intent is to buy an unlimited t-mobile sim off ebay, chances are the sim will be activated with a phone plan and t-mobile will throttle the speed to near zero. Speedtest will show 20+mb/s, but loading any web pages/youtube is painfully slow (even using a VPN. T-Mobile does this now by checking the modem imei. Also, T-Mobile completely blocks the Nighthawk MR1100. see less
I'm not sure about in the home, but we use Cradlepoints with Verizon 4G LTE as failover at work. They're pretty expensive, but I'm sure there are cheaper options for the home. Just google search LTE home router. 5G options are coming, but I haven't seen any available yet.
This is an option:
Thanks. Since posting this, I actually purchased this on Amazon:
Do you think the Coolpad would be better for my needs?
Probably, but not the most reliable and some devices might not connect to a different AP for the same SSID without power cycling the radio on the device.
This would be a more elegant solution, just slap in a data-only SIM from your carrier and put this device between you and the internet, and when your ISP goes down this will pick up the slack.
NETGEAR 4G LTE Modem – Instant Broadband Connection | Works with AT&T and Alternate Carriers (LB1120)
Most would probably be better off with a LTE modem like this: if they didn't want the OBDII features. No battery to charge, can connect external antennas for better signal. Although it's not going to work with Verizon (T-mobile would work though) and you'd need to connect it via Ethernet to your laptop or to a WiFi access point. This was my original idea but I just tether to my cell phone instead or use a USB WiFi adapter with a directional antenna.
I would not set it up this way. Having to phone tether for internet access sounds like a huge pain in the rear.
This is what I would do. If no ISP can provide physical internet to my house, then I would buy a LTE modem, call my cell phone company and get a line added to my account. Tell them you don't want a cell phone with the new line, you just want a Sim card activated, and put the Sim card in the LTE modem. Your LTE modem will NAT and provide private IP's to your LAN, but can still use your own router if u want behind the modem. Then after that you should have no issues with Plex and you ditch the network tether solution. We did this for my friends farm house. We used a Sierra Wireless LTE modem. He bought an antenna that goes outside for better mobile LTE signal.
There several cellular (4G LTE) modems on the internet. This is one of them:
NETGEAR 4G LTE Modem – Instant Broadband Connection (LB1120)
Click the link above, scroll down and look for the section with a grey box that reads, To "Activate on AT&T Network". Here it tells u what SIM card you need.
Of course this is assuming that your cell phone service provider uses GSM technology (SIM cards) like AT&T or TMobile does. If you use CDMA (Sprint) then look for those types of modems. Or you call a different ISP that does use GSM and buy a cellular line from them and just get the Sim card.
Also make sure the Sim card you get from the ISP is the required size of the modem
I'm being told this is what you want. It registers on the line as LaptopConnect which is what hotspots use.
In fact I am glad you just mentioned this because while looking for the link to paste here I see someone listed a new in box return for $70 so I snatched that right up.
The other option is to get a router with USB that supports native hotspot tethering or a third party firmware that does, and connect it to a hotspot. I am going to try this as well just to see how it works. I don't want to keep buying these Netgear routers for everyone when the Velocity hotspot + ASUS router w/ DD-WRT is cheaper.
I play on AT&T 4g LTE with no problems. I live on the east coast and my ping ranges from 70-120 typically. I've also had as many as 4 people playing on the same connection at once without any noticable difference. Hardly uses any data but I'm using the unlimited plus plan anyway. It's the only broadband available at my house, we use a Netgear 4g modem.
I really like the Netgear 1120 modem.
The plus side is it will hold its value much better as it also works on TMO and ATT. The reviews had someone say it worked great on Verizon.
Were you able to get this without having AT&T cell coverage by chance? Right now they're not in stock, but an online rep told me they "should" be back in stock this Friday.
I've read some stuff where eventually these things are going to have eSIM's that cannot be removed and will track whether or not it's being used in a car or not.
This should also work as a router for these guys -
Also (maybe) in the works.. WAN failover\load balancing for WAN2? NetGear makes a device that many other Ubiquiti users have been using for failover.
It's pretty cheap, I live in Oregon, outside of Portland, we rarely have bad storms and almost never have service disruptions that aren't an ISP making a mistake, but it's nice to have just in case :)
SG-3100 with pfSense for the router. Unifi U6 Lite for wifi. Netgear LB1120 for GSM cellular and you'd have to look for something similar for Verizon
To add to this...
I have one of these with a tmobile sim in it. Plugged into wan2 on my UDMP.\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You can get an LTE a backup. I use this one
You're talking about a cellular modem like this one.
Can you suggest a good yagi mini antenna to try?
I'm currently using this Netgear LB1120 connected to a window mount MIMO.
Should I upgrade to the Nighthawk?
Buy a AT&T hotspot or a LTE modem on amazon like this one
Then buy one of these AT&T prepaid Unlimited data sims for $30 / a month like this one
Been using this Combo since early 2017 and it’s been working fine ever since
Any questions feel free to PM
> Do I need to pay for more data for my phone plan and just run my phone as a hotspot all the time?
Pretend the free Wifi didn't exist. How would you connect to the Internet?
Another option would be to set up a gateway that connected to the provided Wifi, provided firewall/NAT/filtering, and also creates a private Wifi that only your devices use.
Here are some ideas:
First let me thank you for taking the time to reply/help me out. Definitely appreciate it. To answer your questions.
I have one running Node-red and "Roam Assistant" (My version of HA) for monitoring my Simarine Pico system and for updating the location via GPS. It monitors my gas tanks and diesel heater tank, and I can get to it from anywhere with a VPN / LTE modem.
I use a netgear LTE router with a verizon sim card for internet connection.
Then I connect the netgear router into an ASUS wifi router.
This allows me to use virtual desktop with my quest 2 while being connected to the internet. Be careful though, once you hit 15g on the LTE router they slow down your speed to almost useless.
Prepaid SIM and ??
No problem at all. I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere that's entirely surrounded by several rows of mature trees. DSL isn't even available at this property. I've lived here for seven years. The evolution of my ISPs has looked like this:
Initially I had Exede (now renamed to Viasat) satellite internet. I had this for a few years. To begin with, it was on a metered connection that had a 22 GB monthly data cap with an unmetered "free zone" from like 2-6 AM. After a couple years of that an unlimited plan became available to me. I didn't like this connection. The initial data cap was overly restrictive and the latency was terrible (600+ ms).
Then, for around four years I had an unlimited Verizon prepaid plan paired initially with this modem:
And later with this modem (I especially like this modem as it can be modified to enable band locking):
I also utilized this outdoor antenna with this setup:
This configuration was much better than satellite internet. There were no data caps and the latency was generally around 30 ms. Verizon seemed to throttle this connection. I'd get 15 Mbps down and 3 Mbps up during the day and then that throttle would be partially lifted during the night and early morning and I'd get about double those speeds. I thought I'd be on this setup until Starlink became available to me. But, then the trashcan came into my life.
There are also a few services like this available in my area:
However, those types of services require a line of sight connection and the trees surrounding my property entirely nullify their viability. While those services are unlimited, the speeds aren't great for the price.
I've only had T-Mobile home internet for a short time, (less than a month) but it's been great so far. With my Verizon home internet solution, I had to do all my own research and purchase my own modems, routers, and antennas. T-Mobile ships you the trashcan and many people are probably able to get great speeds right out of the box without any modifications or antennas. I guess currently I only have a few qualms:
First, I wish the trashcan had stock hookups for an external antenna.
Second, I wish there were more advanced settings and statistics available on the admin panel.
Last, I think the trashcan's thick plastic case with silver paint probably diminishes the efficacy of the unit's internal antennae.
What is your source of WiFi? The way to do it would be to have a WiFi router that also has Ethernet in the back. Something like this router if you’re using cell service.
Cool. I didn't know about that model.
I use this for my backup wan:
I've used this at home for at leat a year without issue on ATT.
Step 1: buy this
Step 2: Go to Walmart and buy a jank phone w/ an unlimited plan. Plug that phone's sim card into your modem.
Step 3: Enjoy 4g lte wireless internet.
Saw it on Tiktok and did it for my parents who live close to Micanopy and it is leaps and bounds better than the satellite internet they were using.
On the cheaper end of the spectrum, I’ve successfully used a NetGear cellular modem and had success. I had no dropouts or any issues streaming 1080p, just make sure you have good reception. On the more expensive side of things, the Taradek Link Pro is a very rugged unit made for streaming over cellular networks.
Also, I second what user dmxwidget said about potentially just sending units out to test way ahead of time.
Sure, you can get an LTE wifi router that will broadcast a wireless signal locally that you can hook up to.
Something like this;
I use one of these with my UDMP with a sim in it.
I've seen good luck with a modem like this:
and an antenna like this:
For home I've got one of these set up active/passive on the failover WAN port of my USG:
I popped in a sim and it's been working well - no monthly charge unless I use it. The xfinity in our area is unstable, and we've been through three outages so far without a hiccup.
For extra nerd points I used MoCA networking to deploy the LTE modem on the 2nd floor, since the USG is in the basement and the LTE signal down there would be impacted.
What is this post-paid plan?
I have an unlimited T-Mobile Plan in this Netgear 4G LTE modem and this shitty MIMO antenna. I'm paying $95/month for basically what ends up being 25GB at <1mbps. (throttled above 25GB to speeds basicalyl unusable). I'm struggling to select the best option with so many choices, this is all a little over my head but I'm trying to learn. Any tips appreciated! Located in SW Washington state.
for a customer who needed internet out in the sticks and it has worked quite well. They're using it for streaming and internet, but it's truly unlimited. $150/mo. In the sticks I'm getting 30/5 mb, in the DC metro area I was getting 50/30 which was quite respectable. Hope this helps.
Maybe setup the modem as an IP Route?
with something like this:
Netgear LB1120 is pretty reliable
That looks like that should work. Alternatively, something like this could work as well:\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_U\_NEChFbQWH9M2Q
It looks like the UDMPro is sold out for 2 weeks, so I'll be going the USG route.
Thanks for linking the Unifi LTE, I may go this route of over ease of use since I've never set up a failover system.
I had planned on getting one of these initially since it accepts any sim card
Which method would you recommend?
The plan would be to configure it so if fail over kicks in, everything is disable except 1 computer, 1 credit card machine and 1 phone.
They are artificially injecting themselves as a middleman into something where no middleman is needed. Kind of shady if you ask me.
If you have good LTE coverage at your house you can get a LTE modem, it provides the WAN connection to your router.
If you need to boost your signal you can get an external LTE antenna, they apparently drastically improve LTE signal. According to the Amazon reviews for that modem it has a hookup location for an external antenna if you need one. Here is an antenna:
The key to doing this is you need LTE signal and that might not always be possible in rural areas (but the antenna may help) and an unlimited plan and those are getting harder to find. If you can find an unlimited plan though you can simply insert the sim card into the LTE modem and off you go (sometimes regional carriers have unlimited plans, just make sure the regional carrier broadcasts on the bands supported by that modem).
These work fine in a pinch
NETGEAR 4G LTE Modem - Instant Broadband Connection | Works with AT&T and Alternate Carriers (LB1120)
The industrial version of what you are likely referring to is called cradlepoint:
I use a Netgear LB1120 ( in bridge mode for my LTE failover WAN. Words flawlessly. On the other hand, I have tried USB LTE sticks on a few other things in the past and never had anything ever work the way it should.
For people looking for sim free and unlocked options I can recommend this Netgear modem
I have used it along with the $10 Tmobile plan at a few places around here and it works great. If you can get decent LTE signal from Tmobile you can get some remarkable speeds
Just installed this over the weekend, works great.
As others are saying, Peplink and Cradlepoint are the professional high-end solution and particularly well suited for vehicle use. They are often used by emergency services (police, ambulance, etc).
For a more budget friendly consumer/home device, Huawei (~$50) and Netgear (~$120) have good units.
No, but the LB1120 does:
Yes. Why do I need a cradlepoint when I already have Rock solid equipment that can handle fail over?
This might work better for your situation. Runs off 12V, 1A.
I was hoping you get this NETGEAR 4G LTE Modem – Instant Broadband Connection (LB1120)
And then this TS9 Connector Antenna
To boost the strength. Our phones work out there, but only a couple bars, so just trying to be safe.
There is an Unlimited Tablet Plan? T-Mobile barely shows any info on their site about.
EDIT: This is Perfect!
Supports Band 2, 4, and even 12!
I ordered one of these to test out for this exact purpose.
Netgear makes decent stuff I guess, for ex
Also check out Teltonika
TP-Link gets recommended a lot but the wifi extender I had of that brand was garbage.
Supports pass through so no double NAT
Why not convert your free line into a data line (I think you can do this up to the 6GB data bucket), stick that SIM into an LTE modem, and then hook up a VoIP line to that? The added benefit is you will also have a little bit of data to carry you through those Comcast outages.