I am 100% serious. What do I have to gain from this? Read books on Neurofeedback you will see everyone who knows what they are doing has similar reports, some more miraculous than that. This isn’t even uncommon. I mean…I would tell you a story I have when I first got into the field but you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t believe that.
Read the book Symphony in the Brain, or look at the reviews for this book:
Imho (NAD) you either a) had sub par facilitators that weren't familiar enough with DBT nor practiced it enough or b) you haven't quite grasped the concepts yet, which is hard to do! (I likend it to my T like a cult. You're asking me to go against everything I've ever known or believed. She thought that was a great metaphor) I've done and am currently doing 12mth DBT and only NOW (as a millennial) have I been able to be able to actually open up and do DBT properly and commit and be truthful. It's fucking hard and it hurts and you'll be processing a lot of trauma, it's a given. BPD is a developmental disorder basically. I have a great individual T though, and that's really important because they're the ones who are supposed to model what a healthy interpersonal relationship is like. That comes with all the transference and hurt and memories. But if you're straight up (even about the stigma with BPD, I've spoken in length to my T about this and the medical field)
Something that helped me has been watching Marsha Linehans presentations at Universities <-- (I know it's long but i ragout suggest giving it a watch) etc about DBT. You really get a chance to see why it built that way and HOW it's meant to be run properly.
This is going to sound so conceited, but it's kind of part of dbt I guess, but there's gotta be a lot of self awareness to happen and pride to drop in order for DBT to actually work. You have to "give it up". Up, is your maladaptive coping mechanisms that you had to form as a young child in order to survive. And address what's underneath that then asked to bear the brunt of the intense emotions? Fucked right? Yep, it is. It's fucked what you're care givers did it did not do to you. I'd also advise to do a little of your own searching of key words or acronyms on YT. It can explain things do much better and trust me it'll get some 'of shit' moments go off (self aware)
So I'm saying, I think it's almost guaranteed to either drop out of or absorb nothing because sometimes (in not saying this is your case) but we can be too "unwell" to be able to 'see the grey' and challenge your schemas
Look into Mindfulness from a Buddhist way (I know we hate the word but) and how that is related to other...things that can make you self aware and mindful. Try it again if you can buy with a different team. I can't empathise enough the importance of your individual therapeutic relationship
I have 2books to recommend which are fricken amazing
The Treatment of Developmental Trauma by Sebern F. Fisher <-- this book is so good I can emphasise enough
Don't have any right now but there is a lot on Google and youtube. This is supposed to be good as well https://www.amazon.com/Neurofeedback-Treatment-Developmental-Trauma-Fear-Driven/dp/0393707865
Well you have just stumbled into a whole new world then :)
I bought my set up from this company https://brain-trainer.com/ There are quite a few companies catering for the home user, but brain-trainer seems to crop up in most people's suggestions. I'd be happy to try and answer any questions that you have. r/neurofeedback is a good place to check out.
This book is also highly recommended if you want to delve a little deeper: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neurofeedback-Treatment-Developmental-Trauma-Fear-Driven/dp/0393707865/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sebern+fisher&qid=1614088753&sr=8-1