Gastritis fucking SUCKS because it's one of the illnesses that takes the longest to heal from. Feeling like shit every day will absolutely get to you mentally. But just keep in mind that healing IS possible, it IS somewhere down the road for you, there are so many people who have come out of this.
I have heard that people take anti-depressants for gastritis symptoms and it helps. Largely because anxiety and mental things do contribute to the problem. There are even threads here about it.
I'm a complete broken record around here, but have you tried Manuka honey? Nothing helped me as much as that did. One teaspoon, 2-3x day on an empty stomach. I started to feel better within days. Make sure its a reputable brand though, I've linked one of few trustworthy ones I've found:
As far as OTC medications go... you can try all kinds of antacids (they're just a bandaid tho), but STAY AWAY from Advil, Aleve, Aspirin, and even Tylenol. It will do nothing other than make the problem worse. In fact, my gastritis was caused by Advil wearing down my stomach.
Get him on Manuka honey, asap. It doesn't just help with symptoms, it heals. One teaspoon, 2-3x day, on an empty stomach. Try some black seed oil supplements with it too
You don’t have to use medical grade manuka honey for basic skincare needs like masks. I currently use manuka honey of over 500+ MGO from these two brands, one from New Zealand NZ manuka honeyand one from Australia Australian manuka honey
That's me, minus the sore throat. But I do have the globus sensation, but higher up in the nasopharynx, not the actual throat.
Nothing helped me either but Manuka honey and black seed oil. It helps #1 with the nausea and fullness, not quite as much or as fast with everything else. But seriously, it's worth a try.
This is the one I use:
3x daily, 1 teaspoon, on an empty stomach
I probably sound like a broken record/annoying at this point, but... try Manuka honey. Seriously. I know you've got other issues that may be at the root of your gastritis/GERD, but nothing ever helped me like the honey. PPIs stopped working or didn't work at all, no supplement, no diet, literally NOTHING make a difference.
1 teaspoon, 3x daily, on an EMPTY stomach. You can also take a black seed oil supplement with it. Any type will do, they're all over Amazon. Try it for a week, see if you feel a difference. I really hoping you do, because for me, things started to get better within 2 days.
That hunger that you describe is the worst part of my gastritis symptoms. Each of my flare ups have been characterized by that feeling, and the lump you describe, to a T. Burning to a lesser degree, but a bit. What's pulled me out of the fire (no pun intended), already twice now, is Manuka honey. It's the only thing that works for me, and it works almost completely on those main symptoms. Within two days, I kid you not, of taking it 3x daily, those symptoms began to alleviate. That and black seed oil supplements.
Has to be NZ sourced, UMF # of at least 15+ (10-25+ is too strong to ingest that often). 1 teaspoon-1 tablespoon 3x daily, EMPTY STOMACH. And with it, take a black seed oil (also called black cumin seed oil) supplement. I don't have any specific recommendations on those, but they're all over Amazon too.