Hmm. I've only listened to one series narrated by Vikas Adam (The Heartstrikers by Rachel Aaron-Bach) and I LOVED it.
Courtesy link to the first book, Nice Dragons Finish Last:
Hmm. I have Kindle Unlimited so Amazon won't let me easily look up if a book is in Prime Reading too, so this may or may not apply (sorry) but these were the best I've read recently:
- a list of selected Buddhist films and documentaries - maybe the best list of films having Buddhist themes or about Buddhism that I have ever seen.
- Movies about Tibet and Buddhism
When it comes to fiction books having something to do with Buddhism, that's hard to find (that I know of, so far). Here is Book 1 of a series of 5 books that about a young dragon refusing to act super selfish like all the other dragons. (Not YA, but safe for all, so to speak). Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers Book 1) Very well done.
Rachel Aaron-- I would definitely recommend her Heartstrikers series and her DFZ series. (The others not so much). Her FFO series is fun, too, but the Heartstriker series is a whole step above the Fantasy field at the moment. Perhaps on a par with the Masters of the field. I am looking forward to reading her new release.
Rachel Aaron's heartstriker series is pretty good light hearted stuff.