What is Reddit's opinion of Nitto (Permacel) P-02 Double Coated Kraft Paper Tape: 1 in. x 36 yds. (White)?
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Nitto (Permacel) P-02 Double Coated Kraft Paper Tape: 1 in. x 36 yds. (White)

1 review of this product found across Reddit:

1 point
5th Mar 2017

Popular alternatives to Nitto (Permacel) P-02 Doubl...

3M Scotch 5952 VHB Tape: 1 in. x 15 ft. (Black)

3M Scotch 5952 VHB Tape: 1 in. x 15 ft. (Black)

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ISC Racers Tape HT2128 ISC Racerstape Surface Protection Tape / Helicopter Tape 2 " x 12', Transparent

3M Auto Exterior Attachment Tape, 38582, 1/4 in x 5 ft

3M Auto Exterior Attachment Tape, 38582, 1/4 in x 5 ft