I bought the NOCO Boost Pro and have zero regrets. This thing is perfect! Jump starts my vehicle a dozen times or more on a single charge, can be used to charge other devices and can be recharged while on the go. It works on my own Jeep Grand Cherokee WK as well as my dad's diesel and my uncles very front loading tractor. Not sure what else I can ask for out of it.
/u/emmejm earlier on, /u/UnionTed referenced this one. The name calls it a battery jump starter. Within the description though, it says:
Which one would you say this is? It sounds like this would have worked for your sister in law.
If this is only a jump starter and not a battery charger, would you know of any battery chargers that I could compare this to?
Noco GB150 amazon link has always worked well for me and is really reliable and powerful. Buy the hard side carrying case for it too.
If you are in the north and see extreme cold I recommend these https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B015TKSSB8/
I've had mine for years and jumped cars and trucks down to -40 degrees.
I have this NOCO pack and really like it
Not sure but I've jumped trucks at -40 degrees with this one https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B015TKSSB8/
This is what I always keep in my vehicle and it should jump any vehicle with a 12V battery
I can't speak for winter since I am in Texas and it's either raining or 105, however these little boxes spin my 5.9 dually like a top. https://www.amazon.com/NOCO-GB150-UltraSafe-Lithium-Gasoline/dp/B015TKSSB8
Amazon shows it selling for $300 new. Sure you have the correct model number?
This guy is on the right track. If the battery and jumper are charged and your truck doesn't crank, it's probably not the battery.
I don't know what kind you got, but I use this:
I jump start diesel trucks with it all the time. You do have do have to hold the red exclamation button for a few seconds to get it to turn on if your battery is totally dead. It won't automatically sense the battery and turn on if there's no voltage.
Midwest US VEDC
In the Glovebox:
Under Driver Seat
Cup holders passenger and driver side
Center council arm rest
Under the passenger seat
In the fuse box (inside car)
On the exterior
In the back of the trunk, (over the compartment)
I may be forgetting a few things, and yes I have this every day. I also will customize this for each season.
Be prepared!
I'm looking at this one. I will still do more research before buying, but it looks like it should work. It claims it will jump 10L gas or diesel engines.
This should work for upgrading your system later. What you want for what you described is an isolator: https://www.parkedinparadise.com/install-battery-isolator/
For just a 10 day trip, I'd consider something like a larger jumper battery, but this isn't ideal for long term stuff.
Noco boost pro GB150 https://www.amazon.com/NOCO-GB150-UltraSafe-Lithium-Gasoline/dp/B015TKSSB8
Nexpow Q9B https://www.amazon.com/Battery-NEXPOW-22000mAh-Portable-Q9B/dp/B082ZZ2W14
Beatit QDSP https://www.amazon.com/B7-Pro-16500mAh-Portable-Lithium/dp/B07GN5HHXJ
Clore Automotive GN 660 https://www.amazon.com/Clore-Automotive-Jump-N-Carry-JNC660-Starter/dp/B000JFJLP6
DP Power https://www.amazon.com/DBPOWER-18000mAh-Portable-Starter-Charging/dp/B01D42TYFC
Taken from the link, stripped the amazon referral parts of the URL
Personally have a Noco GB40 (a smaller Noco booster) and I've used it a few times. Works pretty well, durable design but a downside is it doesn't come with a hard carrying case some other cheaper jump packs have
Edit: an actual review that doesn't have referral links https://www.thedrive.com/reviews/27487/best-jump-starters