Noctua NA-SAV2 chromax.Black, Attaches Anti-Vibration pour Ventilateur (20 pièces, Noir) Right ? It comes with 20 of them, perfect for my 5 NFA14 ! I’ll wait to receive them tomorrow then !
Thanks a lot for your advices ! From France 🇫🇷
Yes, I ended up using these,
They worked out great with a few adjustments. I had to trim the protruding silicone, which made no difference in their function. They're like rubber so they'll fit in anything too.
I put one in the bottom of my H510 flow. The temps were about the same, but the GPU fans seemed to run at a lower fan speed so overall was a little quieter. Where you have it will be right above the PSU and it probably won’t move much air. I put the fan closer to the middle where there was an opening below. There also seems to be an air path from the front of the case as well. I used these noctua silicone fan mounts as the holes don’t exactly line up for screws. You can trim the tops off the fan mounts so it doesn’t look goofy. Noctua NA-SAV2 chromax.Black, Silicone Anti-Vibration Fan Mount Set (20-Pack, Black)
I used a 120mm noctua black fan, it is very quiet.
Good luck on the build!
Noctua sells these rubber pegs that are screwless but no grill protection. Linked em below :
Noctua NA-SAV2, Silicone Anti-Vibration Fan Mount Set (Black, 20-pack)
i think your best bet is just a thick rubber thingie. so you could try making a hole in the arm and hand a shoving something like this guy with some glue inside. you might have to cut it a bit.
The real solution is to use anti vibration fan mounts
Honestly you can bodge anything together at all that puts some degree of cushioning between the fan and the chassis, even like a hair tie strung between two of the screw posts between the fan and the chassis. Just don't block the blades.
For the future, these should help with some creative fan mounting.
These are the ones I bought.
Noctua NA-SAV2 chromax.Black, Silicone Anti-Vibration Fan Mount Set (20-Pack, Black)
I second this - this is what I used and it reduced noise a LOT. I also used these mounts:
I did 5 of the 6 fans in my rig with these:
The H500 is a low resistance case so you do not really need great performing fans. Just buy good looking and quiet ones and you are set to go. Extra high performing fans only makes a minor difference in the H500 cases. The Cooler Master RGB ones are great for this case no problem... They can be made quieter if you buy these silicone fan mounts that replaces the screws: