On Amazon reviews, user Lars shared a possible fix. I haven't had this issue myself and I can't say if it'll work for you but it's worth a try
totally understand that!
I am trying to find out the best option out there for similar reasons, but am with Verizon so options are limited compared to AT&T unfortunately.
I DMed you one I found, will find some others and post here so others have reference as well!
First I found is Nokia 225 Unlocked 4G Mobile Phone
Keep in mind 3G CDMA Network Shut off date is set for December 31, 2022.A more long-term solution would be finding a cheap but modern bar phone.
This one has a 20 day battery which is cool.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "fix"
^Please ^PM ^\/u\/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Code ^| ^Delete
>Not even a phone for emergency?
There are other brands of phones out there...
Just get something like
u/The_Long_Blank_Stare & u/2legit2quit0071 Go to the Nokia 225 reviews section on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Q1YWQQ9?voteInstanceId=R33ZB0RNCWAIMF&voteValue=1&csrfT=gkwgWuYl7%2B%2FnKKW18AfwX6JNgzhleOIbGKhyLWMAAAABAAAAAGFAx95yYXcAAAAA%2B4kUEk%2F7iMGR3xPcX6iU#R33ZB0RNCWAIMF
Go to the review by a user named Lars with the title: How to Fix the Text Message Timestamp Issue
He goes into detail on how to fix the texting issue. I was doing some research on this phone and might get it as well! Hope that helps!
I just ordered a punkt mp02 for use in Canada. Planning to use it on koodo.
The nokia 225 4g is available on amazon usa for $70cad including delivery. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Q1YWQQ9/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1
I was going to get one of them to use until the punkt arrives, but the 215 and 225 should be available soon in Canada according to nokia so I decided to wait for the 215.
The 215 4g looks like it has a much nicer keypad than the 225. So I'm trying to hold out for that being available if my punkt doesn't come soon.
Have you had any problems with the time on text messages being wrong on your 3310? I tried one last year and messages would arrive with the wrong time so they were out of order in the conversation.
Hopefully the 215/225 doesn't have that issue.
The only downside to the nokia is no wifi hotspot like the punkt has, which I would find useful, but otherwise the nokia 215/225 look great.