Highly recommend an "over blinds" rod setup like this if it works with your window (looks like it would). No effort, no drilling, very sturdy. You can either unclip the blinds and store the somewhere (super easy, only takes a few minutes) or just permanently have them pushed all the way to one side (they'd be basically always covered anyway.
I've also done the curtain clips like someone recommended here, but I wouldn't go that route unless you can't do a rod for some reason. It looks much less polished in my opinion, and its kind of a pain in the ass to hook on all those little things and get the curtains just right.
Strongly recommend this, OP. Vertical blinds are just...no bueno, especially when they are the kind that are basically floor to ceiling. I say this as someone who lived with them for years in one of my past apartments and didn't really appreciate how bad they are until I was in my place for a year or two.
Never used them myself, but there are brackets you can attach to the vertical blind rail so that you can hang curtains in front of them. NoNo Brackets is one on Amazon and there might be other companies that sell a similar product.
It will make your place look a lot better, and you won't have to deal with entire set of blinds moving and hitting each other every time the slightest current of air moves anywhere near them.
So these just clip over the blind mounting system and then you can use any curtain rod that fits in them with any curtains that fit your window. They’re a huge blessing for rental properties because you can just pop them back off when you move out. Aside from the door and the blinds, what are your biggest concerns with him? I know you listed a ton so I’m trying to go down the list from most concerning to least
i need something like this for the curtains right? and just take off the vertical blinds themselves?
wires are all behind the TV and no way they go in the wall here... i really don't like my TV stand placement though - it protrudes so much from the wall. Any advice?
ill find some kind of artwork to put up and I have one more poster to hang once the frame ships from Amazon, so I need to pull all the posters off as it is is and reorganize.
I’ve seen it done in a lot of homes here - vertical blinds are super common in Florida.
These look like a good option if you don’t want to drill:
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
NONO Bracket - Outside Mounted Blinds Curtain Rod… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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First I was thinking about some clips they make for frames, but I don't see a frame. Second, there are clips that can attach on the blind frame top, Never used them, so can't vouch, but thinking about it for a valance.