The one I use is this one. It's potassium-based salt (potassium chloride) instead of sodium-based. So no sodium, all potassium basically.
(And my local grocery store has it; I don't buy it at the insane price Amazon has it listed for.)
As others have commented: It can taste metallic/different to some. But I personally can't tell the difference, especially when using it as an ingredient.
Basically this:
Potassium tablets can cause problems, such as leaky gut. Cole Robinson the Snake Diet guy got leaky gut really bad on Potassium Chloride pills.
The best route is to dissolve potassium chloride powder in water and get about 500-1000mg a day, over the course of the day. The problem with potassium water is too much will give you the shits, so dont go overboard.
Check out NoSalt, NuSalt, or Morton’s Salt Alternative. All are made with potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride and provide a near identical salt flavor.
NoSalt Original Sodium-Free Salt Alternative 11 Ounce (Pack of 2)
just posted on this but try to use NoSalt for your Potassium needs. I'm not sure if a local grocery store would have it but if they don't, look for Litesalt which is 50%sodium and 50%potassium. good luck!
Yes, absolutely.
I use this:
I also have a liquid solution where the potassium/sodium are premixed but it's at home. Makes everythign easy when I'm hiking or working out.
I've had good results with potassium/magnesium/sodium supplementation, especially while eating low-carb/keto (I believe you pee out more of those minerals while eating low-carb so supplementing is important).
It's most effective if you take all 3 together, so here's what I do: I make a homemade powerade drink with the following:
Mio/Crystal Light (water flavourer)
No Salt (.5 tsp is 1300mg of potassium, much more than you'd get from a pill, and much cheaper)
dash of table salt
Then I take a Magnesium Citrate supplement with it (I believe they are 500mg).
Potassium is sold in a free form that you can scoop. So that might make it easier. Another option are salt substitutes like "No Salt" which are basically potassium.
Also, V8 has like 650 mg of potassium and bonus you get lycopene has "NoSalt"
It's quite expensive though (Amazon US has it much cheaper!)
There is something else which is slightly cheaper
Wonder why is it that salt substitutes are so expensive in Canada...
No-salt ingredients list is: Potassium Chloride , Potassium Bitartrate , Adipic Acid , Silicon Dioxide , Mineral Oil and Fumaric Acid
Serving Size 0.25 tsp
Amount Per Serving:
Sodium 0mg
Potassium 650mg 8%
No-salt doesn't give mg amounts of the other ingredients.
What are the ingredients in Nu-Salt®? Nu-Salt® contains potassium chloride.
How much potassium does Nu-Salt® contain? Nu-Salt® contains 0.530 grams or 530 milligrams of potassium per 1/6 tsp. (1 g) serving.
You could also combine No-salt or Nu-salt for the potassium with Wright salt and some unrefined salt for a better mixture of minerals. The best combination though is white stone oil, shilajit and unrefined salt.
Wright salt
"proprietary blend of the following ingredients: Sodium chloride, Potassium chloride, Magnesium sulphate, Lysine hydrochloride, Silicon dioxide, Zinc chloride, Copper glycinate, Selenium and Potassium iodine
Serving Size: 1/4 tsp (approx. 1.5g)
Amount Per Serving:
Iodine ... 54mcg, 36% DV
Magnesium ... 16mg, 4% DV
Zinc ... 2.85mg, 26% DV
Chloride ... 660mg, 28% DV
Potassium ... 200mg, 4% DV
Not a significant source of... calcium, iron, selenium or copper"
So sodium, sulfate, lysine, silicon, copper and selenium amounts are proprietary. Maybe using the known amounts and the ratios in the compounds the proprietary ones could be figured out.
Introducing Wright Salt By Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.:
Not a doctor, but I had a lot of the same problems you're describing with food, plus some digestive issues to. I went to a doctor who tested my potassium and vitamin D levels with blood tests, both were very low. My doctor put me on a prescription potassium supplement daily, and 50,000 IU vitamin D2 weekly. The difference is night and day, when my prescription potassium supplement ran out I started to feel bad again, so I started using a salt replacement called NoSalt. NoSalt is pretty much made of potassium and I need the extra potassium since I'm already low. I still take vitamin D2 weekly.
Most people need about 3,500–4,700 mg of potassium daily, and many people don't get enough. However the FDA has decided that all potassium supplement can't be larger than 99mg, NoSalt is how I get around that. However it's important to remember, to much potassium in the blood can be harmful. So it's a good idea to get your potassium blood levels checked with a doctor first. Your doctor can also tell you if you have a condition that would make taking high levels of potassium dangerous. That being said, if your potassium blood test comes back normal you can still compare your test result levels to what the normal range is. If you're borderline deficient, and don't have a condition that makes potassium dangerous for you, eating more foods with potassium and using NoSalt might help you. I still get symptoms sometimes if I'm on the low end of the normal range for both potassium and vitamin D and it took me a while to figure that out.
Always work with your doctor to make sure you're safe though, I'm not a doctor or medical professional. I'm just someone who's body seems to hate holding onto vitamins and minerals for some reason, and I'm speaking from my own experience.
I hope this helps, good luck hope you feel better soon!
Link About Potassium Deficiency
Link About Vitamin D Deficiency
NoSalt Link ( I've never bought it on amazon but this is what it is)
I gave it in the directions. NO SALT which you ca find at the market is just potassium Pink himalayan salt. CALM is a magnesium powder product that is effervescent and mixes in water. Usually taken for bed or anytime to relax. CALM: . NO SALT:
Sorry, I misspoke: After going to the cupboard, turns out I don’t use lite salt, I use a no salt potassium called “Original No Salt” ( I added the link cause it’s easier than taking a picture of it and posting that here. Oh, and I can find it in my local grocery stores.
I got this cause I don’t need the extra salt - that’s what the bouillon cubes are for...
And since I’m typing this, here’s a link to show you the magnesium supplement I use, unflavored Natural Calm: Again, the link is for the picture - I can buy it in my local grocery stores (tho this one IS cheaper from Amazon).
The combo of bouillon and the No Salt is a salty drink, but I personally don’t think it tastes too salty. But, I love the taste of salt, so there’s that. ��
In the beginning months I would also get cramps during sleeping, stretching, or after working out. I use the following on a daily basis and do not have any cramping anymore.
One avocado a day and will sprinkle NoSalt and Himalayan salt on it.
1-2 servings of spinach. Usually go nuts on spinach.
NoSalt. Will sprinkle it on most anything.
Chicken Bouillon Cubes. Have 3 cubes over the course of a day. Mix NoSalt with it.
Best Maid Dill Juice. Will have 4oz before working out and 4oz after working out.
Doctor's Best High Absorption Magnesium Glycinate Lysinate. Found to be the most critical. Definitely notice if I forget to take the daily dose.
For good measure:
is this what you're talking about? i don't think it is but want to confirm. where did you find this nosalt at?