This stuff works good on Pop plastic windows and any type of plastic surface as well. It's recommended a lot on this sub for scratches on the window.
Novus plastic polish may work on the lens as well, just be careful.
I actually use the Novus three step system on my Montblanc pens. I'm not really interested in saving a few bucks and using toothpaste on something as expensive as these pens.
Link to product on Amazon U.S. - This is NOT an affiliate link.
magic erasers have a fine abrasive in them... so that wasn't a great plan.
But 100% can be recovered. Just get some plastic polish, and a supply of soft cloths.
Asides for the cloth, that has everything you should need. Bonus the #1 "Clean and Shine" is good for cleaning visors, and mildly anti-fog
You can try pouring just a touch of resin over it again, probably the simplest fix. Are you using wet sandpaper up to 3000 grit? after i work my way up to 3000 grit I hit my pieces with some Novus Plastic Polish, here is the link
The "material" is just a microfiber rag, and maybe some paper towel and the usual collection of sticks and pokey bits to get all the smaller details.
The paste is the part that does all the work, and its called polishing compound. The specific stuff i use is Novus 3 step polishing compound, just apply a dab on to the already sanded and smooth part, work it in, wipe off any excess, and take it from smooth to mirror smooth. Start with 3, work your way to 1.
Best used on the clear coat after all the paint is done to get a really clean finish with no texture or scratches. Polished plastic and primer doesnt paint well at all, the paint wont stick to the polished surface.
You might try this plastic polishing kit. It's basically "rubbing compound".
I didn’t personally try it, but there are products out there to polish plastic. Most of them are used on car headlight covers. I bought this but never tried it. You can also look for replacement cases for parts.
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
Novus is magical for acrylic cleaning. If you don't have access to Novus, naptha (lighter fluid) will dissolve oils like fingerprints and is no threat to acrylic.
I’ve had fantastic results with Novus, can find it on Amazon. Comes in a 3 stage kit, Heavy Scratch Remover, Fine Scratch Remover, and Plastic Clean & Shine. Ive used it on several different types of plastic and it works wonders. It even worked cleaning my EK GPU Waterblock. NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
I would highly recommend this to anyone! I still can’t believe the difference!! Use it in order, starting with Step 3 first, for heavy scratches. Only took me 15 minutes to do one door.
I have used the three part Novus plastic scratch remover and polish. I put it on a drill mounted foam pad and then follow up by hand. It seems to work pretty well. You can also get plastic razor blades to clean your mask when you're spraying.
Novus has a 3 step scratch remover for plastics. This may not work since the scratch looks pretty deep. With that said, wet sand and polish may be required.
I've done it with a phat PS3 using this kit
With the PS3, there was silver lettering embedded in the plastic, had to be careful to not polish too deep and fuck it up. The Wii U should be relatively easy in comparison, just black plastic.
I'd also consider a skin to cover it, after polishing. Maybe even something matte?!
So auto parts stores sell plastic scratch remover and it "works" in a way. But this stuff is hands down the best
I'm into reef aquariums and we use that to buff out scratches on plastic tanks. It works wonders on all plastics. Should clean those right out
I use the Novus system for the plastic. I work very hard to minimize gaps and seams, and use a plastic sprue sludge (made from a slurry of glue+sprue) as a filler. I sand using very high grades of wet pads up to 15000.
Once a very high sheen is achieved, I then apply the Black primer using my AB in very thin layers — 9:1 thinner:paint ratios — and slowly build up the color. I then let it cure for a few days and then polish the primer until very smooth using a soft cotton cloth (old tshirt). I then apply a thin coat of gloss until the surface is mirror like.
Then I apply my acrylic metallic paints. I don’t quite get the high sheens because I don’t like them too bright, just a little bright. But metallic paints show every flaw.
If it's scuffed up it might be worth it just to buff it out with scratch remover compound like this.
You might try Novus products:
Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
But as always I'd try a small spot somewhere you won't be able to see it first in case you don't like the results (and maybe not go straight to 3 right away).
Here’s a link - Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 oz.
This amount of polish will legit last you forever, you could probably do the plastic dash part 20 times without running out. Will also work on any black gloss plastic. Just a tip - make sure to use blue tape on any areas around the acrylic you do not want to rough up (trim pieces etc.). Start with 3 (using a bit of elbow grease for maybe 5 minutes per number) and work your way down - we use #1 as more of a cleaner/finisher than anything.
I've heard people have had success with this stuff for removing scratches on the Rift.
You start with the rougher one for bigger scratches and work your way down to the finer one.I suppose you have nothing to lose if the lenses are already shit.
If replacing the screen filter assembly (as recommended by wildcarde815) is too expensive, I'd recommend a bit of elbow grease along with a quality plastic polish kit. While not on a TV or monitor, I've had good luck removing similar scratches on clear plastic (e.g., motorcycle helmet) with a similar kit. Best of luck.
Been using this for a few years on the PUP. Found it when my windows on my Jeep were really scratched and cloudy. You'll need a buffer and a couple pads, but the results are amazing.
some sort of acrylic/lexan. Depending on the severity, you can try polishing it out, it may not be completely fixable, but atleast minimized.
I used this on my fish tank...
The clear parts will take a bit of work but you should actually be able to get them looking like new. (If there is still paint left on the part) Start taking off the paint by sanding with a high grit sandpaper mounted with double sided tape to a flat surface. Then I'd suggest buying this: and working your way through that, in the end it should look like new. I use it on every clear piece after I have removed the flash and sanded away the nub marks. You can even apply a gloss clear coat after that step as well to get a better than new shine.
As far as the paint beading goes, I think you diagnosed the problem already, since you aren't using primer on clear parts washing them is crucial. Do everything you can to have optimal painting conditions as well, and be sure to spray lightly, take your time, and SLOWLY build up layers.
For the palmrest area I would VERY CAREFULLY use a Magic Eraser - do not touch the screen with it. For the outer shell I would use GooGone for the sticker residue and then this Novus Plastic Polish Kit to remove scratches/scruffs.
Bummer, man. My roommate wears glasses and no matter how many times I told him to be careful, he scratched mine up, too. Luckily not so bad, but...I can still notice.
I've looked around and found some people recommending polishing kits like:
If they get too bad, I plan on taking them to a Mike's Camera or other camera shop and seeing what they recommend.
Good luck! If you have luck purchasing new ones, please update us!
I've restored headlights with a Novus plastic polish kit. It works well and for the $15 kit you can restore many, many headlights.
Check your area for an acrylic or plastics shop. You can try some Novus plastic polish. You're looking for the kit like this LINK
This stuff is amazing on all sorts of plastics and acrylics and very easy to use.
I actually used this product to fix scratches on my Wii U after it got scuffed and scratched when I moved. The thing looks BRAND NEW, I was really surprised with the results. It may work on your 3DS, but be careful of getting the paste in the cameras or crevices. People in the reviews say they've had 50% luck with using them on glass, but it seems to really work on plastics. I think it's worth a try.
Edit: Yes, it is a micro-abrasion paste, but that's the only way to remove a scratch. I've used this first hand it and if you follow the directions it doesn't leave any trace
Novus plastic polish
Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
You could try a plastic polish and see if that helps. Something like this, though I don't recommend using the "heavy" scratch remover as these scratches don't look that deep.
For context, the heavy scratch remover is very gritty and while it removes heavier scratches, it also creates finer scratches, which, in theory are meant to be removed by the "fine" scratch remover -- but in my experience, it doesn't always work.
tl;dr: I'd try the "fine" scratch remover first and see how that goes. I'm sure there are plenty of YouTube videos on how to properly use it.
Gotta polish it. Use this kit.
Tape the surrounding area so you don't remove or scratch the finish.
I use Novus plastic polish kit. Sometimes I use Brasso beforehand if the scratches are bad enough... Just keep rubbing that stuff in a circular pattern with a rag until the big scratches disappear, then use Novus #3 to start polishing, then Novus #2 for the final polish. Then #1 for a beautiful sheen. I just did that for a GameCube jewel the other day.
Great stuff for removing scratches on plastic.
You can try the methods in this article. There are also commercial products for restoring CD's and general products like Novus plastic polish that can be used.
Too abrasive and caustic, try this
You can try a scratch remover for glasses. Like this one:
Perfect, thank you for this.
Also here's the whole Novus kit for $5 more (the standalone Polish Pack is a 'add on' item through Amazon and won't ship without an order of $25+)
NOVUS plastic polish is the best stuff I have found when dealing with old plastic; It does a great job of restoring any kind of antique that has plastic on it:
Lots of good suggestions but this is the easy way
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8...
just making sure, these? i'd try this before anything else
I'd try hitting it with a Novus 3 step before replacing.
Has anyone tried Novus as well?
The thing I'm worried about is the luminescent sheen. Is that on the top layer? Would the plastic polish then remove that as well?
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
Model car builders swear by this stuff... NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
I've used this novus polishing compound before:
If the scratch is at any significant depth, I'd first sand that spot, in one direction, with very fine sandpaper, maybe start with 400/600, then go up to 1500 or so.
The polish works pretty well, but does take a good amount of elbow grease. You can use a buffing wheel, but that can also make a bit of a mess.
I order this off Amazon then bought a polishing pad off another website Amazon
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
For the taillight I would use NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit and for the paint, I would use Meguiar's Ultimate Compound.
NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
Plastic polish is made to do just that. Avoid the stenciled ink.
Use a plastic polishing kit like Novus. I would also recommend applying tape to the areas that you do not want polished.
I use that for scratch removal. Funny Playing screens and shells are great. But directly from them.
I have seen people recommend this before,
Haven't tried it myself though.
Might be overkill and a bit expensive, but you could probably use Novus Plastic Polish to polish them.
This right here will fix you right up!
I’ve heard good things about Novus, and the fact that it’s a 3-stage starting with “heavy scratch” caught my eye.
Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit
Use this stuff to remove the scratches on plastic. There's nothing much that you can do since it is a gloss plastic, small scratches will show up easily.
If your part does get scratched too much, you can order a new one. Select Lever Escutcheon Assy
You can try this plastic polish. I’ve used it on my Panthera Evo and it works okay.
If you use a wax, the screen protector is not going to stay on.
I recommend using Novus, however, if the scratch is too deep, it may never be removed.
Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
This is what you want.
There are no cracks. It's just a more prominent scratch.
I do have this kit I bough a while ago, but I can't seem to find the cloths:
I do have some regular old "lint-free" cloth pieces. Can I use those or are those too abrasive?
This is been recommended by many A1Up owners.
I use this stuff and follow the instructions on the package.
Try plastic polish:
I recommend this kit:
Along with this drill attachment kit:
Novus 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 Ounce
It's on the plastic bezel? This stuff is pretty good at getting rid of scratches.
This stuff works very well.
I am considering ordering this polishing kit. I'm not sure if you would be interested, but some reviews hav said it can work on polycarbonate.
Try Novus 7100 plastic polish kit.
The wife's C300 has piano black interior trim which got crazy stains from air fresheners and other crap I tried to clean with. Using a micro buffer is suggested. The forum I found the Novus on had people who had the same problem you are having and it cleared it up well.
Best stuff on earth.
Maybe a headlight renewal kit, if you get desperate?
<edit>This stuff worked when I needed to polish up an acrylic fish tank.
My friend, let me introduce you to Novus Plastic Polish
You could try the novus polish kit, it can handle some pretty bad scratches.
At $17 it's almost as much as the pen, but you could polish your headlights or other plastic surfaces to justify the cost
Your results might be similar without wet sanding but I couldn't tell you for certain.
This should do the trick, worked really well on my pebble watch which is essentially the same kind of plastic: NOVUS 7100 Plastic Polish Kit - 8 oz.
that might work, they have smaller quantities on ebay for cheaper, i have been meaning to try it but haven't had a chance yet
Interesting. This? Is it tedious to get a uniform polish around surface detail, or no?
Before: Nintendo Gameboy Micro Repair
After: TeardownTube - episode 23 - Nintendo Gameboy Micro
I would frame the clear portion of the screen with blue painters tape or something tough that won't dissolve under stress or leave residue and use this.
This stuff will make it good as new.
I've used this in the past on amiibo boxes to remove scratches. Never used it on a pop before though.