Don't use soy, use sunflower. Soy contains phytoestrogens that you do not want. Unless you want bigger boobs.
Get it in a tub, like this
The 15% choline content refers to choline in original phospholipid form (very sticky gooey liquid). The powder is dehydrated and according to the website 2.5g of powder contains 625mg PC which is 208mg choline ….
The 550mg AI is based on the treatment dose of fatty liver disease many years ago and is not necessarily reflective of how much we should intake every day. I personally aim at roughly 250mg choline per day (from soy lecithin gooey liquid) based on mortality data.
Sure! I use NOW Sunflower Lecithin since NOW is a pretty reliable company and it's a good price. It doesn't list choline on the label, just phosphatidylcholine (choline bound to phosphatidic acid). However, choline is 15% of phosphatidylcholine by weight so the 2.5 grams in 1 serving of the NOW lecithin works out to 375 mg choline. I usually throw one serving into my daily smoothie.
Note that the AI for choline (550 mg/day) isn't met by nearly anyone in the US so the actual requirement is likely lower. However, it depends on the rest of your diet, genetic factors, disease, etc. You can also look to meet some of your choline requirement through betaine which is common in plant foods. Chris Masterjohn has a good page discussing sources of choline and betaine. The LPI and NIH pages are also useful if you want more info.
Get some Lecithin powder and mix in at 10 parts bud 1 part Lecithin.
It works.
Do you think this will do btw?
Warn people if you use soy products - some people have food intolerances.
If you do a FODMAP study (basically food elimination tracking) everyone has different levels of acceptance to many different foods - even if a food doesn't make you throw up (lactose intolerant happens a lot) it still may not be the best thing for everyone to eat.
I removed gluten (wheat flour, it's all oats now) from my baseline cookie recipe because while I have never met a Celiac patient 100% of my friends with IB/Crohn's/UC/etc are gluten intolerant. It literally causes them pain.
Everyone else is having fun but I moved past skullcrackers long ago (a few of us had sort of a cookie arms race a few years back, thousands of brain death space torpedoes were created and consumed ha ha ha) and kept working towards and integrated health biscuit. Here's the point - when I applied my methods towards CBD materials for my wife who don't smoke, suddenly everyone wanted those because they slagged them but they didn't "feel" high even though they were fully couchlocked. In other words, they worked as well as or BETTER than the THC ones using the same method, so I proved that at least those two cannabinoids can be brought out of the material in the same ways. THAT'S THE MONEY, honestly. People like to party but all the people who are getting fucked by doctors just want their lives back and there are a LOT of people getting fucked by doctors. /digression
I never use MCT unless I have to make another batch of vegan caramel. The fats have a different profile and it works completely different.
I have been looking to experiment with cocoa butter because if it works out well enough then I will be able to stock ONE infused base for BOTH topicals and edibles. Also, I think it will be easier to get all the canabinoids into chocolates if I can infuse cocoabutter because again, it will taste like nuts (my home extract TASTES GOOD PEOPLE EAT MY BUTTER STRAIGHT UP ITS TASTY!) and if I add sunflower lecithin it BOOSTS the nutty flavor, which is GREAT for all sorts of confections.
I'm tired of butter, but as far as fat compatibility with the brain I haven't found anything better yet, same with sunflower lecithin - I can make them work but they don't seem to produce as good as results for me naturally, just sitting there on the stove/in the oven (I'm not lazy but I'm crippled, so, little efficiencies benefit me disproportionately than people who are regularly not 24/7 in agony from missing parts). You'll never go back if you try it, though - I'm confident. And it's VERY available, comes the next day from Amazon here - I don't even have to go to the store lol it's always about 12 bucks USD a tub...two tbsp per batch of whatever is the general rule of thumb. It's probably more than you need but your brain and cells like it and it tastes good. :-)
It would be awesome if cocoa butter turned out to be the magic bullet, just like body builders have found phytogens and other plant based body boosters/modulators and some of the strongest old people I see are vegetarians or practically so. I think cocoa butter can be used in almost anything if it's filtered well it seems to lend more texture than taste in things, although I have argtued that mouth feel is related strongly to taste/flavors.