As others have said AMAB people def do get UTIs as well. Everyone has a urinary tract. I'm sorry your dealing with it though. I'm kinda prone to them, and at this point antibiotics don't work at all when I get them. If you are wanting a home remedy I have found apple cider vinegar capsules are a life saver. I take them 3 times a day till my symptoms stop, then continue the same routine for an additional week just to be sure it's gone. The link below is the one I use, but I'm sure other brands will work too. Best of luck, and don't let stupid folks who don't understand anatomy get you down.
Antibiotics don't work for me when I get a UTI, so Ive had to resort to home remedies. Ive tried them all, and by far the most useful is apple cider vinegar. I buy apple cider vinegar capsules and take them 3 times a day with a good amount of water. After your symptoms stop continue taking it in the same way for one week just to be sure you got rid of it. Best of luck!
This is the kind I usually get btw:\_1\_15?crid=3AP6W9KYW9JYA&keywords=apple+cider+vinegar+capsules&qid=1662502496&sprefix=apple+cider+vinegar+capsules%2Caps%2C322&sr=8-15