I take GABA practically everyday. I get panic attacks, I'm nervous all the time.. It helps.
Link to amazon
deff works. i take it myself for some random anxiety that would creep up on me. This is the one i take bro. i take it twice a day. morning and late afternoon. Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/NOW-GABA-500-200-Capsules/dp/B001DB6LPS/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=WFLE4B4NN9LE&keywords=gaba+now+500+mg&qid=1642828513&sprefix=gaba+now+%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-2
Xanax is okay. Clonopoin is the best. Here is something to consider that will save you a trip to the doctor. At night, melatonin might be a good one (the sleep hormone). Here's an option: GABA. For me, it doesn't work until the next morning. I take a GABA and I wake up the next morning feeling chill. https://www.amazon.com/NOW-GABA-500-200-Capsules/dp/B001DB6LPS/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=gaba&qid=1606504284&sr=8-8
That could be an explanation for some yes, maybe in my grandma's case as well. I don't think that could have been my explanation because very little was stressing me or worrying me, I was otherwise very chill and comfortable at home over the summer playing video games and watching videos, very little worries, everything in my life was pretty much taken care of.
I think you can actually buy GABA supplements online and I've read one or two experiences with people taking them and they recommend them. The reviews seem promising as well. I have not taken them myself though.
I hope you will reach that anxiety free point! :)
This is the one I've been buying for a while.
yo gabba gabba! This crap is sold on Amazon.
Ah, good call. Luckily I was thinking they were referring to this GABA which likely wouldn't have done much anyways, but dully noted. Thanks!
In this study Female A/J mice were purchased at 7 weeks old and the inocolation and treatment randomization began at 8 weeks. Female A/J rats at 8 weeks are approximately 17.5 grams in weight and mature up to about 20 grams in weight. The average daily consumption of feed and water for an adult 25 g mouse is 3-5 g and 4 ml respectively. So, for a 20 grams mouse, that would equate to about 3.2 ml of water per day. In the study the mice were immediately randomized and provided with plain water (controls) or water that contained GABA (20 mg/ml) for the entirety of the observation period. 20 mg/mL x 3.2 mL / day = 64 mg of GABA per day. 64 mg / 20 g body weight equates to 3.2 mg / g. If you were to extrapolate that to an 80 kg (176 lbs) adult human, at 3.2 g / kg, that's 256 grams a day. That's more than 2-1/2 bottles of this stuff a day: https://www.amazon.com/NOW-GABA-500-200-Capsules/dp/B001DB6LPS
NOW Supplements, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)500 mg + B-6, 200 Count, Veg Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DB6LPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Eg0BFb21VDJ92
NOW Supplements, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)500 mg + B-6, 200 Count, Veg Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DB6LPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_gwodFbJPRPWZS
Try that.
If you are silent only around your family, then it would probably be best if you were separated, or at least spent as much time away as possible. Soon you will be old enough to leave and live on your own, then your SM will not matter. Your family is the cause of your SM, so avoiding the cause is the way to fix this. The solution to radiation poisoning is not to try and make radiation non-toxic, it is to get away from it.
As far as treatment goes, especially if you have social anxiety as well, you have a lot of options. I would recommend some form of GABA supplement, as GABA is the body nutrient that controls anxiety or "over-excitability" in the brain, and over-excitability is what drives SM. Pretty much anxiety medication interacts with GABA in some way, but I've heard the absolute best about Phenibut. However, anxiety medication is all prescriptions so you need a diagnosis. Instead, you can take GABA supplements, which seem to have a fantastic reduction of anxiety. There are also magnesium supplements, which enhance GABA's effects. Also, 75% of people are said to be deficient of magnesium, and magnesium deficiency is said to be the leading cause of depression.
If you are looking for activities to help you "open up" or push past anxiety, I highly recommend Dungeons and Dragons. You play a different character in a different world, so what you say or how you act reflects very little on you as a person. You do not have to speak in character, and you could even play a mute character if you so wished.