I was reading about that so I looked at all the reviews on different brands listed on Amazon. I finally found one that had photos of people's keto bread with a normal color:
NOW Psyllium Husk Powder, 24-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Try this. It takes three days to arrive. What’s going on with you is likely not a one time deal. You’re going to want to do this on the regular because you don’t just get impacted bowels. It can seriously affect your health and make you super tired all the time. So many people have this problem and don’t even know it. Then they get diagnosed with all kinds of diseases they don’t have like arthritis and lupus. This is confirmed science. Gut health is the basis for all other health. For a time that idea was rejected but now mainstream medicine is starting to confirm it. Hypochondriac is derived from an Ancient Greek word that refers to gut health and the connection to whole body health. It’s messed up if you think about it.
Anyway, try evil Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_NneZFbYXMMVJG
If you drink any kind of shake, I would recommend switching over to the NOW Psyllium Husk Powder and just mixing it in to your drink.
You'll save a bunch of money over the capsules. I think a normal serving is like 9g (7g fiber) and there are like 75 servings in that bag for $12. Occasionally Amazon will have them for under $10 a bag.
DO NOT get the raw husks that haven't been powdered. They are like drinking gummy rice husks.
I don't have experience with it but look into Psyllium Husk Powder. I found one on amazon.
1 tablespoon (9g) = 30 calories = 8g carbs with 7g of fiber.
I've incorporated fiber via beans, lentils and low carb tortillas (90 cals with 15g of fiber).
I just order the plain/pure pysllium husk powder on Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B002RWUNYM
It does have a very earthy taste to it, like dirt mixed with wood, so I usually have a chaser drink nearby.
You could also go the MetaMucil (or whatever generic your store has) route if you'd prefer it flavored, but I used to find that I still needed a chaser drink after that as well, and since the pure powder tends to be cheaper I just deal with the bad taste.
You probably won't need as much fiber as you're thinking now that you're not eating a bunch of processed carby stuff. But, try psyllium husk powder; you can put it in stuff and it doesn't have a taste (that I can tell, anyway). http://smile.amazon.com/Now-Foods-Psyllium-Powder-24-Ounce/dp/B002RWUNYM
Psyllium husk powder mixed in water taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will get things moving. Drink plenty of water with it and throughout the day.
Order psyllium husk powder off Amazon! Just mix a little bit with juice and drink it. It's like satin for your insides and works magic for digestion. Also helps your heart health too. A strained heart is another effect of ED's. This is what helped me.
NOW Foods Supplements, Psyllium Husk Powder, Non-GMO Project Verified, Soluble Fiber, 24-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VGPWWGZA0VRVYTPPKMNQ
I currently have this brand psyllium husk and 1 serving is 9g/1tbps, which ends up being 6g soluble fiber and 1g insoluble. Will try gradually upping (I've definitely experience bloating from taking too much too fast).
I currently take half in the morning and half at night, since I usually go in the morning and it seemed like it would be good to cap things off at night with it. However, I've found when I take it in the evening I sleep terribly. I have something similar if I eat within 5 hours of bedtime but even when I take the psyllium husk more than 5 hours out and after my dinner I still am waking up throughout the night. I'll try going back to just the morning dose but upping it.
Pure for men when I took more than 4 a day actually would make me constipated and I'd have to strain to push out each small piece at a time, and I definitely would not end up getting everything out.
As for liquid intake, I drink a ton of water throughout the day so I don't think that's an issue.
My doctor said to mix some fiber with your Orange Juice and drink it at the end of/after your OMAD and stop worrying about undigested food and cholesterol so much. 'Nuff said; more drinks for me.
I was taking this
Now I go to my local health food store and they have it in one of those plastic containers that I can weigh out my own bag. It's cheaper and saves on shipping.
I usually do 15g twice a day. Usually every 12 hours. 6:30 AM when I eat breakfast, keeps me full until I eat again later. Then again around 6:30 PM after my last meal. I never really get super hungry on huge deficits during a cut.
Yeah. My first week or so of ketochow I had some orange metamucil psyllium powder from walmart. Was clumpy as hell, never mixed right. After I started using http://www.amazon.com/Now-Foods-Psyllium-Powder-24-Ounce/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=sr_1_4?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1456249840&sr=1-4&keywords=psyllium+husk , no more clumps and whatnot. After a night in the fridge comes out relatively thich in a 24oz blender bottle.
In my opinion yes. It was not 'eggy' or 'cheesy' as I've heard others say, and the psyllium husk powder (the brand i used at least) did not have a 'funky' flavor to it.
Also a big part, as /u/sophiee said, the texture on these is spot on!
Breakfast: One egg, a Smart Bagel and two slices of turkey bacon - 250 cal.
Lunch: Veggie burger in a Smart Bagel, and a cucumber salad with sesame oil and soy sauce - 345 cal.
Snack: 2 tbsp psyllium husk - 60 calories, 14 grams of fiber and a full belly.
Dinner: 4 oz chicken breast, broccoli, crimini mushrooms and onions - 372 cal. And wine - 144 cal.
You should be getting about 25-30 from food, and then the husk will boost that to a colon-clearing level.
Powder is a good bet, it's the easiest to ingest a healthy amount of. Make sure you take it with tons of water, and I mean really make sure. Fiber with not water for it to soak in is a bad combination.
Here's the highest rated powder on Amazon
This isn't a tea, but right now my afternoon "snack" at work is 2 tablespoons of psyllium husk in at least 8 ounces of water. You should definitely start with 1 tablespoon.
And you have to chug it because it solidifies quickly. But damn, it's filling.
Thanks - just searched this on amazon and found this review hillarious: If you don't poop enough, and would like to poop more, this is for you. Personally, I mix it with chocolate whey powder and milk - 1/4 cup of this, 1/4 cup of whey, and a cup of 2% milk, and the next morning, I poop a single, two-foot long log of supreme quality. There's not much more to say.
Amazon. This is the link to the powder I bought: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=sr_ph?ie=UTF8&qid=1429397306&sr=1&keywords=psyllium+husk
I thought it was expensive and tried getting a different brand off eBay, but the product I got had been mixed with something, so this brand is the one I would recommend.
Try this instead. Take a tablespoon with a glass of water at breakfast and by about 2ish you'll have one of the most satisfying poos of your life. No pushing, no straining, just relax and it'll just slide right out....
I don't know what difference it makes but I use now foods psyllium husk powder. Also my food processor has a dough hook and I mix the dough in it before baking.
Drink the amount it says in some water, tastes like absolutely nothing...I go at least twice a day.
I'll third this comment. Whole Psyllium Husk makes you nice and regular...almost life changing and I'm not exaggerating. It's also good to take with water about 30 minutes before a meal to fill you up before you eat. Though a word of warning, it swells in water...great for filling up your stomach but if you let it sit it will swell up before you drink it and then you'll have to eat it like cream of wheat.
I recommend working your way up from 1 tablespoons to 2 then to 3...if you increase the dose too fast, your body biome won't acclimate properly and you'll get loose shits and instead of nice logs. The cheapest I've found is the Now Whole Psyllium Husk on Amazon.
I also use the Now Probiotic.. I'm now very regular with a good BM or two everyday and no more IBS or hemorrhoids.
Psyllium is fiber, take some every day to keep things moving, some say after every meal. Foods Supplements, Psyllium Husk Powder, Non-GMO https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ER49NG9S96JYCKQVH7MZ
Enema bulb RANEU Enema Bulb Kit with Lube Anal Douche Superior Materials Douche for Men Women Made of Comfortable Material (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XHGQZX8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WBARZ5W42SZVZWN3DJPB
Don't do the pills. The pills are all marketing. You'd need to take 18-50 of them a day AND I've found that the gelatin capsule often prevents the fiber from mixing with your stomach/intestinal contents very well.
For example I take 3tbsp of psyllium fiber a day. That would be 54 pills as I've dumped the pills out and there's usually 1tsp for 6 pills.
Buy this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002RWUNYM/
Warning - it tastes like wood. Literally, you'll think you're drinking wood and it took me a few weeks to get used to it. I usually mix 1tbsp in 3 cups of warm water and just chug.
Metamucil usually has flavor to it, but they accomplish this by reducing the amount of fiber in each tbsp and adding artificial sugar which has actually been shown to cause diarrhea in large quantities.
ah well no wonder your're having stools like that, you're not getting enough fiber, women need 21-28 grams a day men need 30-38 grams a day, if I don't get enough fiber I get days like that as well, also mine is caused by IBS but as soon as I up my fiber by taking this https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Supplements-Psyllium-Powder-24-Ounce/dp/B002RWUNYM I stop having loose stool like what you wrote about, you can get psyllium powder at any store Costco, Trader Joes, Walmart, try that for two weeks and see what happens, you will start seeing results in about a day, don't get panicked if your poop looks odd after taking the psyllium it's just cleaning your colon, make sure to drink plenty of water as well, not enough water equals loose stools as well and with fiber it cause you not to be able to go.
are you getting enough fiber? If you do not get enough it will cause this as well, women need 21-25 grams a fiber a day and men need 30-38 grams, I recommend getting psyhillum https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Supplements-Psyllium-Powder-24-Ounce/dp/B002RWUNYM I recommend this, you can also buy it in your local store, not sure if you are in the US, but if you have a Costco, or Trader Joe's that is where I buy mine, you can even get it at walmart, try that for a week and see if it doesn't clear up, you may have a form of mild IBS, or not getting enough fiber, but the only way to be sure is to speak to a doctor. As I said I get this as well, I know it's due to not enough fiber and my ibs, if your diet is crappy no pun intended it will throw your digestion out of wack and cause all kinds of things to go on with your poop, oh and if you do start the fiber don't be alarmed if you have thin, flat, odd looking stool that is just the fiber scrapping the left behind poop out of your colon, Think of it as cleaning up.
I did competitive strongman for a few years and ate 6,000 calories a day with tons of protein. Believe me... I can empathize. I started doing three heaping tablespoons of this stuff a day
and I swear my doodoo time went from 2 1/2 hours (not an exaggeration) to about 20 mins a day. And my tp use went from 15ft to 4ft.
Another option is drinking dish soap to induce diarrhea. Don't actually do that.
Do they carry the brand Bobs Red Mill in any stores around you, they have allot of keto friendly baking ingredients including Psyllium Husk Powder. Try their store distribution finder, theres quite a few stores that carry it in Edmonton, maybe call ahead to see if they have Psyllium Husk Powder
Here's some at amazon canada from NOW
I have started having trouble pooping too! I usually go once or twice a day so skipping a day and having to strain is SO not like me.
I am taking psyllium husks, I've taken them in the past to bulk up smoothies to stave of hunger but what they are really good at is bulking and smoothing stools. They are what metamucil is made of but just the natural stuff (I don't really like the flavoring). It is gritty and tastes like cream of wheat but is not bad. Take a tsp a day with a full glass of water and you will have the most effortless poops. Drink it very quickly because it will form a gel and then it's harder to drink. I get it from amazon. The reviews are pretty hilarious, everyone says it has changed their life.
Also think about a squatty potty as well :)
Hmm. The brands I look at have nothing but the psyllium husk. For example:
This has been on my wish list for a while now, but haven't given a try yet. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I1FOVHO6P8DTY&colid=2K2ETTXQ57IZV&th=1
Ever try Psyllium Husk
Have you tried taking Psyllium Husk before you go to bed? I use 1 heaping tablespoon mixed with orange juice. I used to have perpetual constipation and mud-shit despite my substantial fiber intake. Now, my shits have satisfying bulk and there's very little wiping involved. The mud-shit is encased in the mucilage formed by the Psyllium Husk; the Husk is not digested and has a purely mechanical action in the body. It is perfectly safe and can also help reduce cholesterol levels.
When I say a lot of liquid I mean a lot, like, find the biggest glass you own (maybe plastic to compensate for the vigorous stirring without cracking glass) put the heaping tablespoon in the bottom and stir vigorously as you pour.
After a while I was going through too much orange juice, so I switched to adding a glug of straight lemon juice to the bottom with my Husk and pour water whilst stirring vigorously. It basically tastes like pulpy lemon water which is not the best flavor but if you give it a go and see what kind of awesome shits you're capable of you'll commit to this unpleasant moment in your evening and it'll become part of your life. The days that I plow through half a pizza, for example, and don't drink my Husk I revert to shit that looks like it was extruded from the Soft Serve machine.
I prefer this stuff. tastes like any other grain. like cheerios
Psyllium husk powder One tablespoon (or so) a day. Available from Amazon
Not really, and it's FANTASTIC for so many recipes because of how it works
Now Foods Psyllium Husk Powder, 24-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWUNYM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_K5zyxb1NNSTEY
Yes it happened to me. I say "happened" because I have found a solution.
A little background first. I have had "watery stool" pretty much all of keto (~18 months) and before I started Keto when I was eating badly. I don't know if it is due to some form of IBS (probably) or whatever, but it wasn't so bad that I just had to get it checked out.
I started IF this year and I noticed that after every meal (only 2 meals) I had pure water coming out of my ass almost. Like clockwork. I do eat veggies some and am not doing a full zero carb diet or anything. But I did notice that I wasn't getting much soluble fiber (veggies seem to be mostly insoluble which doesn't slow down the works).
Anyway, I was tired of this pattern messing up my plans of having to actually go places and do work after lunch (but I wanted to keep fasting). Anyway, did some reading and decided to try a fiber supplement first. I had some old fiber I had in my desk from early in Keto. I had trouble mixing it and I didn't like the taste, so I gave up on it early on, plus it didn't help. Anyway, I still didn't like it and it barely helped.
Long story short, I came upon Psyllium husk powder link and tried it. I've been on it about a month now maybe.
After some experimenting with dose timing, I started taking one TBSP mixed in about 32oz of water WITH or a few mins BEFORE my meal. I also mix it with crystal light so it doesn't taste like I'm eating mud. With the crystal light, it's honestly no issue to drink it. DRINK IT FAST THOUGH! If you wait too long, this stuff will turn into a sludge and it becomes much harder to drink.
It may take some time for your body to adjust to this, in terms of changing your bowel, but it has for me. I stopped having to go in the afternoon after lunch. I pretty much go one time after dinner now. The stool is more firm but still not hard. I would describe it as "fluffy". Much more pleasant experience.
Someone else said "more fat" but I think it's the fat the caused my problem. This stuff, when taken with a meal, seems to soak up some of that stuff in your stomach, intestine and keeps the liquid from flowing down so fast. After you've been on it a while, it finally starts to work thru your full digestive system and regulates everything.
I haven't noticed that many side effects. The only ones I've seen are I've started farting again (whether this is bad, only others can say) and once in a while, I will get some stomach rumbling as things settle after a meal or approaching my daily movement. Nothing painful, but I can usually tell when things are ready to move. I don't really see this as a negative either.
Anyway, maybe you should check it out. I read that you should get 25-35g of fiber a day, and especially on keto, I was getting nowhere near that. Especially soluble since it comes mostly from fruit. With 2 doses of this a day, I can get pretty close to the goal.
I'm not guaranteeing results, it just worked for me. For about $20 (counting buying the crystal light) it's probably worth trying. Also something to consider, there is some buzz around gut bacteria and things like that. While I don't know all that much about it, some of the beneficial bacteria that feeds off carbs likely dies out when on keto. This stuff can rekindle some of that bacteria and theoretically re-balance that system. Probably should do some of your own research if you want to know more. I'm no expert.
EDIT it also helps you feel quite full after you drink it, so it can help you possibly cut down on the calories in your meals and make hitting macros more attainable.
http://www.amazon.ca/Freeda-Kosher-Calcium-Phosphate-Powder/dp/B00OVNHKHS/ (yeah, that's crazy expensive)
http://www.bulksupplements.com/dicalcium-phosphate-dcp.html has 1kg for US$15 and shipping to Edmonton is US$19.95
Here's what I got. There are other sized bags (10lbs even) on there too, as well as powder and capsules.