It's probably scratched. Worse case is missing foil. Hold the disk up to a light and check for spots. If you see any, its a safe bet you're SOL.
I've rescued scratched DVDs with plain toothpaste and Nu Finish applied with cotton balls.
Dry tumble in walnut media. Lizard litter from the pet store is clean, uniform and inexpensive. Add a capful of NuFinish every other time and run the tumbler for 10 mins before dumping in your sized brass (allows the polish to distribute and avoid clumping. Polish helps clean off the lube and keep your brass shiny. I find tumbling 30 minutes to an hour sufficient, depending on how full is the tumbler.
Buy a box of store-brand dryer sheets just for your tumbler and use a new one each time. Captures the dirt and might keep the dust down. Dryer sheets don't have to be old and used to work.
>The key to keeping dust down is adding a dryer sheet while cleaning.
I use cheapie new ones (Kroger house brand) & they turn gray pretty quickly. I also wet tumble after depriming (I like clean primer pockets & case interiors) and dry tumble with lizard litter and an occasional capful of NuFinish. After adding the polish run the tumbler 5-10 minutes before adding brass - avoids clumping.
I wet tumble after depriming to avoid running grimy cases thru my sizing dies, do all my case prep (size, trim, chamfer, flash hole uniforming rifle cases) then dry tumble to deal with the brass particles from prep.
Between Armor-All car was for wet tumbling and Nu-finish for dry, the result is shiny cases inside and out that stay bright until I get around to loading them.
Hehe, I don't do it once a year because it lasts that long, but because I can't motivate myself to do it more often ;-) I started using this thing, they claim it last a year...
Just got my car back from the dealer body shop (got hit, everyone's OK). Car is 3 months old. I've used on it. I clayed my first car last weekend and loved the result. How long should I wait to clay my car fresh from the body shop? Three stage paint. Should I wash with a bit of dish soap to pull the Nu Finish off so the whole car is a blank canvas?
Personally I avoid anything wax based. I refer to used the petroleum based Nu Finish because it doesn't leave residue like wax, and it goes on and comes off easy. I started using it on my airplanes and have since found it is good for cars, to, even plastic trim.
I got some on Amazon, and it does work, I even applied it to the side windows so they slide up and down easier.
In another Toyota experts video he says people are crazy to replace the whole wiper "blade" instead of the rubber insert, he said the original Toyota wiper blade costs about $40 dollars and is of high quality, the replacement blade in the stores are cheap $10 quality, so always only replace the rubber inserts.
> And is there anything I can rub on the blades to prevent rust in the future?
If you don't want oil or wax, some options are:
silicone sprays
silicone wipes
car surface sealants (often called "polish", even though they aren't), like and and many more.
> I don’t want the oil or wax to get on clothing or fingers.
Wax won't come off easily onto fingers or clothes. You use a very thin layer, and unlike oils the wax is solid.