I love to share teas and fun things with my mom. I have always wondered what these blooming teas would be like.
Thank you for the contest and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Cool! Even better, I found something that I'm going to be getting for my fiancee. :D (And yes, I'll be using your affiliate tag.)
The tea and teapot both came from this set my girlfriend bought me for my birthday. Don't tell her I found it ;D
I've never had glassware for tea so I've been loving it.
I found it in World Market. A box of Numi blooming tea that came with the pot.
I think you can find it on Amazon. here: https://www.amazon.com/Numi-Organic-Tea-Flowering-Packaging/dp/B000FFIL92?th=1
Here's my go-to gift for a chick I don't know what else to give. They're these cool herbal tea "flowers" that open up when you put 'em in water.