hey there friend, ok so yes I was in the same boat ...and spent as much as a cheap boat protecting myself. ON a whim I bought a dual sport. I always wanted a bike to putz around on in the country unpaved areas. Im quickly learning alot of the areas I intended to ride on are off limits so more road riding (back roads but still roads) are in the cards. I dont feel super safe about this as my area has VERY poor roads and crazy drivers, so if I dont find my exit point to traverse far and wide...i'll sell it and probably for what I paid for it (Honda CRF300L).
Here is ultimately what I bought, what I wear when... well that remains to be seen but for now Ill likely put everything on as I dont want to end up with a longterm injury or worse.
-My helmet sux, I just bought something to tide me over at the shop. It's dot rated, has a nice visor and internal sun visor...but any dot approved dual sport helmet should suffice. here's the rest (check out the cheap jacket / pants for sure!)
(no referrals here I make nothing..just listings for you to checkout)
Knee pads:
yellow hi vis armor top:
pants: (not liking the cool dude lettering but they are cheap)
ass pads:
jacket for when it gets cold enough to use else Im just using top armor and a bright shirt:
the boots:
Be careful on sizes and read reviews... I HAVE YET to try all this stuff on so I dont know how well it will all fit. I will know more later when I get my packages today and tomorrow.