Do you happen to know if there's any plans to produce a physical strategy guide for this game? Perhaps something like this Octopath guide?
Does anyone know if we're getting a physical copy of a strategy guide printed for this game? Perhaps something like this Octopath guide?
Anyone know if we're getting a physical copy of a guide printed for this game? Perhaps something like this Octopath guide?
> As far as I know, the game doesn't really reveal who Lyblac is other than her vaguely referring herself as Galdera's daughter. I've read people say that Simeon and Mattias founded the Obsidians together, but aside from vague mention of them working together in Mattias's diary, I'm not sure what the source of this information is either?
I read the majority of this stuff in the timeline of the official guidebook.
One thing I thought of was also the Official English Guidebook that releases later this year. It's actually on discount at the moment if you do want to order it for the future:
The Official Guidebook has a lot of official artwork and releases this year in English:
Not the same as an actual full artbook but lots of nice art to look at still.
You can view the amazon listing here! There's 6 images available to view, and it looks quite nice. It's a 224 page hardcover book, so it's pretty substantial!