I’d avoid any scenario that introduces additional moisture.
A big part of it is keeping sun off the laptop so having a cart with a large shade and multiple fans help a lot.
I’ve also used long runs of fiber usb cables to get the capture station out of the sun and under a pop up tent since the cables have a max operating temp of 50c.
Additionally, You could try a larger blower in the style of something like this- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJTMR7R/
I kind of rigged a similar model like this one to work for my s17.
But with your intake fans and exhaust ports being so close to each other, I don't think it will work.
I liked this one considering it creates a tilt for the laptop and properly gives it a sufficient amount of airflow with 3 speeds to control by. It’s more portable than the big bulky flat ones.
One cooling method would be this: https://www.amazon.com/oimaster-Laptop-Adjustable-Cross-Flow-Cooling/dp/B07JJTMR7R
The other would be a "pad" like this: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Cooling-mat-gel-cooler-Laptop-Pet_60815377527.html
Those pads work with heat. Basically if there is heat the gel inside will react and cools that area. They really work and are also used for pets. Had one and was surprised that it actually cools down and was more efficient than a normal cooler/blower.
Link to Fan Cooler, works great for my SB3 13"
I was lazy and bought this...
Its actually really good and recommended as it can be used as a tower fan too.
it doesn’t show in the photo but the setup also includes this excellent external fan (hidden below the monitor stand and plugged to the dock) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJTMR7R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_5iR3FbQNA2MJ3
> OImaster Laptop Cooler
https://www.amazon.com/oimaster-Laptop-Adjustable-Cross-Flow-Cooling/dp/B07JJTMR7R $27
OImaster Laptop Cooler with... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JJTMR7R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It is the Olmaster cooler. I got it on Amazon.
This isn't a pad, but what do you think about this alternative?: https://www.amazon.com/oimaster-Laptop-Adjustable-Cross-Flow-Cooling/dp/B07JJTMR7R/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?keywords=laptop+cooler&qid=1562540591&s=gateway&sr=8-17
The Xeon procs in my Dell 7530 laptop hover around 55-65C all day, while mostly idle. They peak around 100C when I'm actually doing intensive work. I plugged it into Prometheus and graph the metrics with Grafana, and it's pretty surprising to watch the trends.
I've also measured the top of my keyboard with a laser thermometer and it's around 109F most days. I use an external keyboard because the actual laptop keyboard gets uncomfortably hot to type on all day.
I keep an Olmaster fan blowing under the laptop from the back, and a OPOLAR USB fan blowing at the laptop from the side 24x7. It sits in a laptop stand that elevates it about 15 degrees from the back. The internal laptop fans run around 4800rpm 24x7 to keep the CPUs cooled down.
Yes, I've disassembled the laptop down to bare bones. no dust bunnies in any vents, and I recently reapplied the thermal paste using high-quality Arctic Silver paste. All of the cooling is operating at what it's supposed to be doing.
These cores just run REALLY hot when they're sitting there doing basically nothing.