I did this with a yoga mat under it Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory Foam Topper, 4'' H, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QZC71F15EVPAYAKG8S26?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It fits perfectly on the 60 part of the 60/40 split and also fits in the trunk folded perfectly if you need to use the back seat for people
Something akin to this. They come in a width narrower than a twin, and that opened up some space for me in my van setup, plus the folding makes it easy to move out of the way. I have not missed the extra bed space, but I sleep pretty straight and don't move a ton
I've been super pleased with this setup as it lets me carry 5 passengers, takes 2 minutes to set up, and can sleep one or two. I keep two fitted sheets in my car, a twin for the single mattress pad and a queen for the two put together.
This is the mattress pad. I bought two and cut the passenger side to fit. Couldn't be happier! There have been many occasions where staying at a friend's place where I brought in my mattress because it's more comfortable than a couch.
I bought this one 4 years ago and am still using it. I do fold my extra blankets under it for storage and a comfort bonus. It's not terrible, but I am moving up to a 6" memory foam mattress in my newest build.
I use two of these, cut to fit the car a little more exact. Super happy with it https://www.amazon.com/Olee-Sleep-Tri-Folding-Memory-Topper/dp/B0742B6F1H?pd_rd_w=4qYJO&pf_rd_p=85da05e5-c593-4314-b5c1-e397081af052&pf_rd_r=ZYS90R4B1SR894JV0BWM&pd_rd_r=7588671e-d412-4b39-aa4b-5b54df6154cb&pd_rd_wg=jLCvs&pd_rd...
I've been sleeping on this tri-fold mattress in my MY full time for a few months and I swear by it. You can buy one and put 2/3 seats down or you can buy two and cut it to fit the entire back of the car.
I bought this one; cheap and effective.
URL split because I'm not sure the Sub's rules:
>https://ww w.ama zon.com/gp/product/B0742B6F1H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
But here is what I've learned about cold and foam— most memory foams get hard as a rock at frozen temperatures. I need to use a 12v electric blanket to keep my pad and my pillow soft enough to be comfortable. Enough blankets and body heat should work, but I toss and turn, so I can't rely on blankets keeping the entire pad warm.
I have a tri-fold 4” thick foam mattress that fits great in the back of a car. It’s 2’ wide, leaving plenty of room for cargo. I’m a full-time prius dweller, so I sleep on this every night and I can barely tell the difference between it and a normal mattress.
I think this is the one I have: https://www.amazon.com/Olee-Sleep-Tri-Folding-Memory-Topper/dp/B0742B6F1H/
(This is also great to have on hand when guests come by your house)
I use an Olee from Amazon. It's very comfortable, just as much as a normal mattress to be honest. I love opening the hatch on my SUV and just chilling on it, taking it the fresh air and views. Best $69 you'll spend for your camping vehicle.
A foldable foam pad that works well as a sleeping mattress- https://smile.amazon.com/Olee-Sleep-Tri-Folding-Memory-Topper/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=olee+tri+folding+memory+foam&qid=1603479037&sprefix=olee+tri&sr=8-3
A 50qt fridge (ie Dometic, ARB).
A power station (ie Goal Zero 1000, Jackery 1000) to power the fridge, plus 12v DC charger to charge it while driving.
Foldable solar panels (ie Rockpals 100) to charge the power station while at base camp.
If going off road, then recovery gear and tools to repair flat tires.
I have used this one Here and it has worked great for me. I only needed to put the big seat down and move the passenger seat all the way up. The seams never bothered me.
OP this plus yoga mat is perfect. No lumps no gaps v well insulated Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory Foam Topper, 4'' H, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kKsFFbAWX2EA7
Don’t ask me how I know but if you don’t have scruples this is a no return Amazon item so if you call to return or say it’s defective they will just refund
Hyundai Elantra Touring,
Memory foam topper, Like This, trimmed to fit. slightly shorter than regular twin, and since I'm only using have the backseat it is quite a bit narrower.
If you decide to go with a more substantial mattress pad, I recommend this one it's narrower than a twin, and can fold up if you need it to. I have an almost identical setup to yours in a Honda Pilot and I love it (although I only use it for weekend climbing trips).
First, you said you do rideshare, so two things jump right out - that you'll have passengers in your car daily, and that you'll probably be around a major metro area. So, head to Planet Fitness and get Black Card membership, which is $20-something a month, and lets you use any location. That's showers, good wifi, exercise if you're into that, massage chairs and/or tables, and free Tootsie Rolls. Being around a metro area also means you have access to grocery stores, and don't really need cold storage for food.
I just put together a "one-bag" kit that'd cover your uses pretty nicely. Excuse the poor lighting. Some prices/sources on key included items:
Bath stuff, Clothing, electronics and knife stuff I already had, and didn't really get into, but I only have about 6 total outfits that see regular rotation. I do also have a $35 rechargeable camp shower pump off Amazon that I didn't show, and do regularly use it for showers between the rear van doors, but have never seen good use of it on the trail, so it's not going in this kit, and will stay in the van. Skip the wood stove and Gerber set, use an old backpack or other opaque container, and the whole thing minus bath stuff and clothing is only $50.
That should just leave a sleep system. I like hammocking, so that stuff is what I hang from the backpack, but you'd play hell trying to hang one in a Rogue, I think. I have a foam pad on the back of my van bench that forms a bunk once I fold it flat on itself, but yours should probably be more inconspicuous, due to rideshare passengers riding around in there all the time. So, I'll suggest something more like this. Folds up and should hide in your trunk easily alongside everything else you need. Anything you won't use daily, put in storage somewhere.
Good luck!
EDIT: corrected a price
Can I suggest a tri fold olee mattress? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_mqs9FbR6AY6YY
My friend who slept in his Prius for weeks, swears by this pad - I may try it out. Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory Foam Topper, 4'' H, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_HEJNB02KNR04ETME48BR
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_JN4GD71G7ND2FR9ZJ35Q but they have different sizes.
No privacy shades. I use this tri fold mattress and it does the job just fine. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0742B6F1H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
So it seem you do Yoni and lingam as pro service. in my case i do it for free and for fun only. i went with this and i will see if it works out
I dont know about knock-off, but I've used this Amazon mattress for over a year (300+ sleeps) and I love it and it doesn't hurt my back or anything. Highly highly recommend.
I started with one and it was great. Eventually added a second that I cut to fill out the rest of the space. If I have a passenger or need the extra space i'll throw the cut up mattress in the trunk and leave the single.
Here's my setup with two
Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is what I have been using for a year now
I don't think the seats fold flat in those so you may need extra padding to get a level surface to sleep on. You might want to check out subbredits like Urban Car Living and Vandwellers to get some ideas.
I had really good luck with something like these trifold foam mattresses.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_X9WQXCHPKVK67JJWRTB9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 . If you don’t want to deal with the stress of cutting then this is the best way to go! Trust me it was stressful cutting
My mattress - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share very comfortable
My window covers - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PZKTVQN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I eventually want to do the reflectix deal but I’m too lazy haha, these have been working great
My power supply - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F7XNWW4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I keep this bad boy under the passenger seat hooked into the cigarette lighter so it’s constantly at 100% powers my dash cam all night long as well
My dash cam - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SRQH4R7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share just thought I’d add this as well, i feel it’s important to have video evidence in case anything happens while I’m sleeping or on the road driving
Front window cover - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KIFITRM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I remember not knowing which size window cover to get and I never could find anything online. I can say the large version works perfect for the gen 2 Prius
My preferred sleeping spots-
I’ve only slept at Walmart a few times, before I first started that’s where I thought I’d be sleeping but idk I just like the spots I mentioned more.
For food I honestly don’t deal with any cooking, I get a chipotle burrito bowl and a salad from Walmart for dinner and that’s it, combined with some fruit and all that
I've had my element since new in 2004. It was a daily driver - then I lived out of it for a few months - and recently it became our "toad" (towed behind our RV on an 8 month trip). I'm 5'8" ish and had a 40ish lb dog when I was living/camping out of it.
When I was living out of it I was also moving across the country and was towing a 5' x 8" flatbed trailer that I bolted a small bike shed onto. Kept a lot of my stuff in the shed/trailer and dropped it various places when we went further back into the backcountry. Dog and I went EVERYWHERE in the element. The element outlasted the original dog and is still going strong.
For sleeping I used an egg-crate style foam pad with all the seats folded down - but we bought these for our kids on our last trip and they're pretty great:
Happy to answer any questions!
How did you like the inflatable? It hurt my back and i moved to this tri-fold mattress which I think is as comfortable as a bed. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0742B6F1H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I use this: Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory
This mattress is presently my top choice so far for reference
I camped in my Tahoe over the holiday weekend on my relative’s land. Here is what I slept on Olee Sleep Foam Mattress and here’s the pillow I used Pillow
Do NOT block off the front seats from the back. Those are the only air vents.
DIY or order some HeatShields https://www.heatshieldstore.com/ for your windshield, front windows, rear windows, and back window.
I did target sunshade for the windshield and back window then heatshields for all sides. I had the means to splurge on the heat shields and they were a dream. My back windows are tinted so I ordered the gold/black and then flipped them and that allowed me to blackout the back and I could use my phone at night without issues. I did silver on the front. In CA/anywhere hot it’s not sus to have these foil window coverings
This way you also have the entire cabin for the AC to move around it. It still doesn’t really reach the trunk so maybe get a battery powered fan
Also I got this trifold mattress and put a yoga mat under it and it was heaven Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory Foam Topper, 4'' H, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9qIpFbJEMC7NT
My #1 thing was stealth so being able to trifold the mattress it fit perfectly in the trunk when the second row seats were up.
When I was Prius dwelling I would drive my car to work everyday and AFAIK my coworkers were never the wiser. Once the window blocking’s were put away it was very normal looking Prius
$51 Amazon with Prime I just ordered one myself. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_-AeXEbH0FQ6KK
I just got this memory foam bed for my van.
Olee Sleep Tri-Folding Memory Foam Mattress, Blue, 4'' H https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742B6F1H/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_HWExAbXMYEK48