I chopped up a whole cauliflower, sprayed it with about 10g olive oil and covered it in salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder and then air fried it til it was golden brown. It was pretty good that way.
https://www.amazon.com/Sprayer-Stainless-Dispenser-Roasting-Capacity/dp/B07S62SDBZ/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=kitchen+spritzer&qid=1596481684&sr=8-3 this is one I found on Amazon (I had to do some googling, I called it hand oil prayer for kitchen, I was way off lol)
https://www.pamperedchef.ca/shop/Featured+Collections/Basics+for+Every+Baker/Kitchen+Spritzer/2733 This is the one we have, I am sure the non PC brands are good. My wife is addicted to them so we have most of their version of things but most I am sure are easily gotten cheaper. That said, I love the thing and a lot of the stuff she does get!