Nice to hear you're interested :). I'm in college and soon starting a course on quantum as part of my physics degree, it was a little after your age I started getting really into physics.
The way I see it, there are two kinds of physicists. Those who understand the math more, and those who understand the concepts more. You can't understand the concept without the math, however, and vice versa.
At your age, I suggest you just keep taking math classes and follow the natural order. You want to build up an intuition for math because the kind of calculations involved in higher-level physics are no joke, and I'd be hopeless without the years of context I have. You've got time to work on that part!
As for the concepts, starting now is good. But again, you want a foundation. For example, with what I know of quantum, it helps to have a good understanding of electromagnetism, among other things. Quantum is also talked about often in relation to relativity, and it's good to start to build your understand of that too.
I'll make two recommendations.
The first is a book I read recently, On Gravity. It's meant for people with a slight understanding of physics, and is mainly about Einstein gravity, but talks a good bit about quantum and could give you a lot of insight on the topic.
The second is fairly standard, check out the Feynman Lectures on Physics. I haven't completely read these myself, but most everyone will recommend them to you when learning physics. The lectures help a lot with understanding the concepts in many fields of physics. You may want to jump right to the volume on quantum mechanics, however I caution against that because much of the math used to explain the concepts you have not been exposed to yet. It works best to start from the beginning, since there are references made in later Volumes to some of the fundamentals of physics.
Hope that helps! Feel free to ask me any questions on physics and I'll do my best to elucidate. I'm only a physics undergrad so I'm not as well educated as others here, but I can sympathize on your desire to learn very closely!