My underlying question for change is always... how the fuck would you keep uncompromising people alive or clear of coercion long enough to do anything substantial?
By now (especially with books like this one by Webb that highlight the deeply corrupt and criminal ties our shadow governments have with people who will do anything to compromise a politician) no one should live under the illusion that we live in a free and democratic society.
This past presidential election cycle should have been an eye opener. The moment any kind of "outsider" candidate got traction, the moment it came down to brass tacks they all become water carriers for the most powerful entities.
If you have family and friends you care about, they have leverage. If you are an egomaniac that only cares about prestige and would sacrifice said friends and family, well they go after your reputation and legacy. Once the system gets this corrupt, there is no way within the system to thwart influence.
And the problem is , once we in the west had value as consumers (more or less each some value) one of the few things that helped us get at least a modicum of representation as placation to keep us happy.
Post shamdemic they now just milk more from the better off and more and more people are just seen as a waste of air to the likes of the WEF.
Take automotive sales for example. From an actual person I know who does the books for a major car dealer in my area...since the pandemic and chip shortage they sell about 1/4 of the new cars they used to but make more profit. There is no price negotiation and they are selling overbook by thousands. They no longer focus on getting a little from a this snake eats it's tale it will be about getting more from less until implosion and the cycle starts again (usually violently).
Two interesting books are coming out as well. One by Murdoch boy Dylan Howard other is our girl Whitney Webb.
I couldn’t find the Dylan Howard one now but I remember it had a similar name. I might have mistaken it tho.
Whitney Webb did the work
there are two people I know who are really good on this:
Guest request: Whitney Webb
Like Alex Jones, but sane.
By Whitney Webb. Volume 2 focuses on Epstein.
Here is a recent interview with Joseph Mercola.
Update: They took Mercola's website down. THEY ARE OVER THE TARGET!
Yandex may be a good start, step out of english to read anything nasty. Or I don't know, go after books and interviews of people like Whitney Webb (like here or here and here, I like her approach, see who she follows, what she reads, etc).
CIA is so clever/smooth on their craft today... even the very folks spreading disinformation/political stuff/lobbying don't know they're CIA assets;
Also, oversight has only increased over the past years in the intelligence community, but not for CIA in particular, for obvious reasons. CIA don't even waste resources to update its website, places like are a joke but what did we expect anyway; Not sure why you're after them, it is kinda of a sisyphus task.
Does this has anything to do w the recent Bustamante interview?
Not sure what you're after but:
And please, blur out reddit usernames before sticking them in your youtube vids dude, wtf.
Whitney Webb has done more investigative journalism on this topic than anyone else I've come across. I can't recommend her work enough. She's coming out with a book soon if you care to dive even deeper. She's also on rokfin .com