One Second After (A John Matherson Novel, 1)
Get this book and you will understand. Humans today have LITERALLY 0 idea how to exist without electricity. Even people that study this and think they know, really don’t know. The fuel runs out. The food runs out. The water runs out. The medicine runs out.
This is fiction, but it is a nice way to see what life looks like in this scenario. Below are some details from Wikipedia. Its truly scary stuff.
Forstchen based his research for One Second After on the 2004 bipartisan Congressional study of the potential threat to the continental United States from an EMP attack: Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. Drawing on this and other government and private studies, Forstchen explores by fiction what might happen in a "typical" American town in the wake of an attack on the United States with electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.[2] Forstchen has been invited to make presentations regarding the threat of EMP before members of Congress, and at STRATCOM, Sandia Labs, and NASA.
[One Second After ](
It has the added bonus of being based on a pentagon study about what would happen to the US if an EMP were detonated. Author is former Military. Really cool and fun read. There’s three in the series.
One Second After by William Forstchen Is a pretty good account of what might happen in a current times society when local isolation occurs due to outside forces.
I really enjoyed it
I read this book too. It's called One Second After. In my mind I always thought it would be kind of cool to have all electronics destroyed and have to go back to life that way. Like a survivalist adventure. After read that book....hell. no. It would be terrifying. 70% of the population would be dead within 3 months. How would you get food? Medicine? Water? While EVERYONE around you is scavenging for the same. Scary stuff. Highly recommended
One Second After
One Second After by John Matherson. It is fiction, but it really opened my eyes to the danger of an EMP event and the havoc it could wreak! One of my favorite books.
I read One Second After. A sobering read :(
I recommend One Second After by John Matherson. I really liked it!
One Second After?
One Second After by William R. Forstchen is really good (despite having a forward by Newt Gingrich).
it's honestly like, over 90% of the population. like i said, i'm no fearmongerer, but i have a wife and cats and ZERO plans of leaving if SHTF (i live in a pretty rural woodsy area), so i like being prepared. we have peace of mind.
it's not even just SHTF kinda stuff. in the mountains, we lose power a lot during stormy seasons (like, summer, fall, winter, and spring lol), and sometimes for days at a time. we only have a small generator, but it's sufficient for running the fridge, though not our well pump. we take care of what we can with what we have.
there's a real negative connotation with preppers, well...cuz a lot of them are dicks about it, and most of them are completely unrealistic. the majority are the super right-wing 'THUR COMIN TO GIT UR GUNNNSSS' kinda folk, who weigh 300lb, haven't physically walked or run further than their mailbox in 30 years, and just prep to have something to do. in a real situation, they'd probably be an easy target for the guy down the street who's in shape, has guns, and knows how to use them. it's why people laugh at them.
thus my seatbelt analogy. i'm not fearful. i honestly DO think we're due for 'something'. russia? china? EMP? nukes? i dunno. and frankly i don't care. if we're gonna die we're gonna die. i only do this so i don't HAVE to run to the store the minute the minute disaster strikes. most people can't even fathom the chaos that will ensue if something serious, and nationwide happens. this isn't the 50's where everyone will 'head on over to the town hall and see what the mayor has to say' lol.
it'll be chaos guaranteed. so why not stay home and avoid it all?
if you've never read One Second After, you should. i can't recommend this book enough. i know a ton about prepping and survival skills, but this book brought a lot of stuff i never thought about before to light. it's a fantastic (and pretty quick) read. it's about someone who lives in a small town, and his experience when the US gets hit by an EMP. the whole country goes down, and no one has any idea what to do, or even what happened, and how that all works out. it's so good.
Both disasters would be shockingly similar results
Nuclear EMP:
A fantastic novel on life after a nuclear EMP:
About a year ago, I read One Second After by William R. Forstchen, the story of what would happen if an EMP blast took out all electronics in the US instantly and how society would crumble. I take issue with some of his ideas, but overall he goes into greater depth than most how-society-falls-apart stories go.
I bring that up because he's got a sequel out, One Year After, that I've been trying to get ahold of.
Check out One Second After. One of my favorite books. One Year After is a sequel and it's not as good as the original. The English Spy is like the 15th book in a good series.
<em>One Second After</em> by William Forstchen is a modern classic of the post-apoc genre. After 6 years, the sequel One Year After is just out last week.
I really enjoy <em>The Remaining</em> series by DJ Molles. I think there are 6 novels and 2 novellas at present.
The closest I've personally run across is a short story by Jack London called "To Build a Fire".
Edit: Are you thinking of <em>One Second After</em>? It takes place in Black Mountain, North Carolina (just outside Asheville), after a high-altitude nuclear detonation generates an EMP that knocks out America's infrastructure. Vaguely similar, in that infrastructure is gone, but so much of The Long Dark's charm relies on the Canadian winter setting -- and the absolute isolation, in that you never see another human -- that I have a hard time comparing them.
It's sort of a cross between "To Build a Fire" and One Second After, though...
I know this is way, way late, but the second novel you're talking about is called One Second After. Thoroughly enjoyed that one as well.
<em>One Second After</em> by William Forstchen.
<em>The Remaining</em> series by DJ Molles.
RemindMe! 7 May 2015
Honestly, I would recommend reading One Second After to get an idea of what life post-EMP might entail. I understand it is a work of Fiction, but since we have not had an actual EMP event, it might be the closest thing you can find to help you understand what you might need to prepare for.
Read the book and take notes on your prep as you follow along.