Looks good for a first kit. I have a few recommendations.
1, Are those glasses ANSI impact rated and full seal? If not you are probably gonna need new eye pro if you want to play at most fields.
2, It appears you are just wearing a cloth face covering and I don’t see any other face protection. I’d highly recommend some sort of mesh mask to protect your face. Multiple companies make mesh masks that are built into balaclavas so they are more convenient than dealing with the traditional kind with straps. I’ll include a link to the one I use at the end.
3, I always recommend a helmet. I have been shot in the head before and it sucks. Sometimes you’ll get a big old goose egg on your forehead and it’ll just look nasty. A helmet will stop you from getting a direct hit to your head and can help if you bump your head into a structure or something.
4, Mechanics gloves if you don’t already have them. Getting shot in the fingers sucks. I know it can be hard to take kit pictures with them on so you might already have them.
Onetigris makes a mesh mask built in to a balaclava
Hey if you like the balaclava look, but also want face protection, the get this. It works great for me.
Yeah those suck, these style are a lot more comfortable.