Your abilities to persuade would be much improved if you lost your condescending attitude and didn't commit egregious logical fallicies.
There was no incriminating evidence in your links about the remaining seven states. But, I do appreciate your literacy advocacy.
Regarding the AHA, it's a logical fallacy to agree with something simply because others agree with it; therefore, a counter to the AHA's viewpoint is not a requisite to having an informed opinion that's contrary to it. All that needs to be done is an examination of the evidence. For which, I see no significant historical evidence that indicates that slavery was the predominant factor leading to the Civil War. What I see is State Law vs Federal Law; however, slavery was a contributing factor.
Your attack of my level of expertise is also another logical fallacy. Ad Hominem is the name by which the fallacy is known. The fact that you commit two logical fallacies in one paragraph's response indicates to me that you likely need a lesson in critical thinking and everyday reasoning. I recommend OPEN MINDS AND EVERYDAY REASONING by Zach Seech. I know it's pricy, but it's worth it as I'm sure it will help in your quest.
Edit: I just want to add that I know your heart is in a good place. I simply disagree with your accounting for the history of this matter (and your use of logical fallacies and condescending attitude).