wow thanks for the detailed answer. I think I am going to pick some of that JetSeal up because someone else on here said how amazing the JetSeal was. I am in LA so I have two CG stores within 20 minutes from me so shipping or customer service isn't an issue. I agree their youtube channel could use some work, but Larrys videos bore the living shit out of me most of the time. I feel like he rambles on, on and on sometimes. I've watched a couple of them that I liked but most of the time I don't bother. I use the V7 spray, P40 spray, slick detailer spray, black on black spray and the VRP dressing. I actually got a gallon of the V7 off amazon for $27 b/c they had a coupon and I did the s&s so I got another 15% off. I like it but I think I like Optimum Instant Detail and Gloss Enhancer more. I got this about 2 weeks ago and find myself reaching for that more often then the v7. The stuff is amazing!!