There's gadgets like this which some people find useful:
If you Google pill swallowing techniques there's also lots of ideas, but it's been a while since I looked into it so not sure which sites are great. Generally they advice practising starting with cake sprinkles and working your way up. There's a way to do it with a water bottle that mimics the pill swallowing cup or some people find wrapping the pill in marshmallow or bread helpful
This might work
Best wishes to you and your family
No personal experience, but I've heard good things about this product:
Maybe ask the pharmacist if it can be broken or crushed? If not, maybe try this :
In the recent VLOG, TB said that he had a lot of problems with swallowing pills. My girlfriend has the same problem so I looked this stuff for her a while ago.
There are two solutions that I found:
1) Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup - Which you can get at Amazon for a pretty cheap price, which should help a lot. Link:
2) There's a site called 'Headstart', which is basically the Israeli Kickstarter, and some pharmacist is now trying to fund a device for swallowing pills as well (I just want to point out that I have NO relations to the guy, I just found out his project recently by chance). The device is already ready and can be bought from him for a very cheap price. It's in Hebrew, but I can help with that if needed. Link:
I'm not sure any of this is helpful, but maybe TB for some reason didn't search for this and it might help him.
Feel better TB!