Not advertising for this product but this is what I bought and what came up during a quick Amazon search.
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil - (16 oz) High Azadirachtin Content - OMRI Listed for Organic Use
Hard to tell because the camera is moving so much, but probably easy to fix with some neem oil and insecticidal soap (literally just a little bit of dish soap mixed with water and spayed on once a week).
This neem oil has worked wonders for me. It's organic and some ladies like to put it in their hair lol.
Any neem oil that is pure neem oil will be best, this is the brand I use:
It's a bit expensive, but you only need a teaspoon for one quart of solution, the instructions for it are on the bottle.
spider mites. Safers end all is my go to. spray everything including the bottom of the leaves once a week till they are gone. Doing a neem oil soil drench at the same time will really send them the message. 1/4 cup cold pressed neem oil to two gallons of warm water with a squirt of mild dish soap. Mix it really well to emulsify the oil into the water and then drench the soil well. Make sure the neem oil you use contains Azadirachtin. Something like this. Hope that helps they are a big pain in the ass.
This stuff is solid and will last a long time. Little gnat bugs are usually not a good thing.
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil - (16 oz) High Azadirachtin Content - OMRI Listed for Organic Use
A more cost-effective option would be to buy pure neem oil and reconstitute it each time according to directions on the back. This is what I use:
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil - (16 oz) High Azadirachtin Content - OMRI Listed for Organic Use
I've had this for a year and still have 80% of the bottle left
This is the only neem oil that worked for me, and it worked fantastic. I don't have any affiliation with the seller or product, but I tried many brands until I found this one.
I’ve used this neem oil but anything that has the azadirachtin still in it should work, I’ve heard some extraction methods remove that compound but it’s the stuff that kills the bugs. Neem is safe and natural and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t make the fruit inedible like systemic chemicals do.
That's a fungus and you treat it with neem oil. It spreads from spores so there are probably other plants in your garden or around that are spreading it. You can bag the whole plant with a clear garbage bag for a couple weeks after you treat it and just monitor it from there.
Here's an amazon link:
Two common culprits are cucumber beetlesand squash bugs. Cucumber beetles feed on the underside of leaves. Squash bugs suck the juice out of the stems. I’ve found Neem oil to work well. Here is how to use neem oil I’m guessing cucumber beetles as they chew the leaves and cause wilt. It doesn’t look like powdery mildew to me.
Since you're new to gardening allow me to introduce you to our shibboleth[1]: Neem oil.
The tl;dr here is: spray it on your plants.
I get this stuff and mix it in a spray bottle with water. Remember that oil and water don't mix so put a drop of dishsoap in there as an emulsifier and then they'll mix. Spray it on your plants and it will handle many things, from fungus to insects. As @hilahhh said: "Looks like powdery mildew. Squashes are v susceptible. You can spray w neem oil".
[1] A shibboleth is something everyone in our in-group (in this case gardeners) knows, and nobody/few outside that group knows.
Can you Order neem oil online? Here’s the one I got.
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil - (16 oz) High Azadirachtin Content - OMRI Listed for Organic Use
I would recommend this product as it seems to be what you're looking for (hopefully!):
I typically try to stick to any OMRI listed products as it's an organic certification. Hope this helps!
Neem oil saved my hibiscus plants.
Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold...
I had an aphid infestation on my peppers that I brought indoors last season.
Due to an early freeze warning, I just pulled about a dozen peppers in grow bags, no time to change soil or winterize in any fashion. And, I was lazy, so never did anything later.
I was able to successfully treat them with neem oil mixture, it took a good several rounds of completely soaking all plant and soil surfaces. I would take them outside into my carport on a relatively warm winter day, and just soak them, making sure to get under the leaves as well.
The aphids would die, and then maybe a week or two later, there'd be more. After a few rounds (3? 4? 5?), I never saw any more aphids.
In hindsight, I will always try to winterize, it's a lot less work. But I was committed to saving those peppers. So, if you want to save these, it absolutely can be done. I also had an outbreak of fungus gnats (and beat them too), so it's really important to start with fresh soil, never know what's in it.
These are what I used:
The instructions on the neem oil gave the ratio of neem oil, water, and a little dish soap.
The neem oil bottle I got is prob more than I'll ever need, very concentrated, but seemed better than buying the premixed stuff, which was the same price for mostly water.
Amazon is your friend for that stuff! I'd suggest lemongrass over clove I've had great success with it but it would be great to also use both as I found an IPM (integrated pest management system) is the best way to deal with these to keep any resistance from building and keep everything you're using highly efficacious. I added clove, eucalyptus, lemon (yes lemon not lemongrass but you can add both just be careful they are warm oils and can burn) and rosemary into a antifungal shampoo and would let it sit on my entire body face and scalp for 15-20 minutes in the shower before rinsing daily and then I would apply a thin layer of sulfur soap before exiting the shower and leave that on all day. I immediedetly sprayed the shower down with a mix of vinegar bleach and borax also each time I used it to kill anything that may have rinsed off me. Immediedetly upon exiting the shower I applied a lotion I made that was 10% high azadirachtin neem oil and 1% lemongrass (cympogon citratrus specifically there are 50+ species) that I also added a good amount of aloe to. I boosted my immune system as well by taking orally 1500 mg oil of oregano 2x daily and 500 mg turmeric extract with black pepper 2x daily. This is what cured me in the end and I had a VERY severe case. I'll put links at the bottom to the things I used also for you. Feel free to pm me also if you want more details I dealt with this for several years and was able to cure myself of crusted scabies verified by my dermatologist. I had to learn a lot about it because I was misdiagnosed for so long and I didn't find a good dermatologist until 2 months before I ultimately cured myself but he was able to at least tell me that it was in fact scabies and looked at some stuff under a microscope for me and confirmed it. I had cured myself by the second visit with him but it took a ton of trial and error and I will stay on this board to help people not go through as much trouble as I did. I have read and pretty much memorized all the case studies I could find on the subject and others closely related as well. I plan to eventually make a line of products for this with a detailed write up of how to use them correctly because execution is everything with this. Good look and I hope you are better very soon!
Id suggest to try clove oil and also lemongrass (cympogon citratus specifically was studied there are over 50 species) along with the neem. Also what kind of neem oil are you using? I jave found its necessary to get high quality neem oil with high azadirachtin content. It should solidify similar to coconut oil in low témps the stuff that doesn't is hydrophobic neem oil and this is seperated from what you actually need with alcohol and then marketed as a skin care product and is not nearly as effective. I'll post links to what I know helps. I am using the neem bliss brand currently and it seems about as effective as the dynagro brand which is the best but expensive and you will need 16+ ounces to continue using it. Be careful with the lemongrass it is a "hot" oil and cant be used above more than 2% so the #s in the study are too high but I have still found its one of the most effective things ive tried. Also its great to put a couple droppers full into your laundry it kills and smells great and if you mix it with neem in a lotion it smells just like lemons none of that burnt rubber neem smell I personally hate.
Here's a write up with links to all the studies that the information was pulled from about resistance and natural options.
This neem oil from Bliss is what I used when I thought I wanted to make the concoction myself. I used unscented castille soap from Dr Bronner's to emulsify the oil and water before spraying it on my plants. The neem oil is incredibly smelly. Dumpster vomit/dead body is how I describe it. It's dark amber and quite viscous, and it will clump up (similar to coconut oil) if it's cold. I could not handle the smell or mess of mixing it all up myself so I used this powder and this spray instead. The pure neem oil is way more economical and some might say more effective, but I couldn't handle it. That one bottle of pure neem oil will probably treat an entire house of plants for years because you only need a tiny bit per application, and the powder and spray get used up very quickly with each application.
The powder and spray eradicated my fungus gnats and were mildly effective against a terrible thrips infestation on my monstera. It probably would have been very effective had I recognized the signs of pests earlier and been more vigilant in continuing to treat even after I thought the thrips were gone. I eventually had to throw the monstera out as it was just too far gone :(
Yep thanks neem oil and bt and how to make neem spray
You could give neem oil a shot. Just make sure to get the good quality stuff.
I started using it this year and it's been an absolute game changer even after one application. The only downside for me is that I've had to start feeding my duck actual food since there aren't enough slugs, snails, or grubs in the yard to keep her fat and happy anymore!