St Maximus the Confessor is some one well studied in Greek philosophy too, he was the secretary of the Byzantine emperor and a highly educated noble born man from Constantinople who's father was in the courts of the medevial Roman Empire before he was born.
He was persecuted by that emperor after he left his job, became a monk in Tunisia, and wrote massive amounts of theology, classical Greek philosophy, and condemnations of the heresies that the Byzantine emperor was supporting. The Orthodoxy of St Maximus the Confessor would be decided at the 6th ecumenical council. St. Maximus draws on Origen and Clement of Alexandria a lot, Clement is a philospher in the same situation as Origen.
I'm not saying you have to agree with st Maximus on his disagreements with Origen, despite their agreements, but I do and it might be worth checking out if you are intersted.
A good book would be the Cosmological Mystery of Christ by st Maximus the Confessor.
Or this book focused on both Maximus and Origen.