Mine is the 80mm and I got it from amazon! Link to amazon at the end :)
I first saw an ad on Instagram for a free 40mm “Zoomball” which is basically the same thing; all I had to do was pay $10 shipping... and wait almost a month to get it :/
I was hesitant at first, but really wanted one. I did a LOT of research on the internet and asked around on different Instagram users posts, asking which size they used in which shots and what their recommendations were. Everyone recommended the 80mm because the 40mm was so tiny.
I said to heck with the Zoomball— I didn’t want to wait that long! I looked it up on amazon and found the 80mm Lensball. I read some forums on Reddit about the Lensball and decided to go with that instead, considering I have Amazon Prime and it would be here in two days (I’m kind of impatient, lol).
Two days later, I now have a lensball and I am working hard on getting out of my house other than to go to work, therapy, and occasionally going outside with my boyfriend.
10/10 would recommend as a new hobby (these photos were actually taken on my phone), or something to add some flare to your photography life. It’s a great product in general and I can’t wait to get myself outside and play around with it more! I think my therapist will be proud of me, and I can’t wait to tell her :)
Link to Amazon here: Original Lensball Pro 80mm, K9 Crystal Ball with Microfiber Pouch, Photography Accessory https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076BQFDF8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5mDaEbA5WQTNY