I'm nervous to suggest other adapters because I really don't want to make two bad suggestions, but an alternative could be something like this. You'd screw one side into your T-ring and then the other side should fit into your 2" eyepiece holder just like a normal 2" eyepiece would. So then you would have Camera->T-Ring->Orion 2" Zero-Profile Prime Focus Camera Adapter->2" eyepiece adapter->drawtube thread.
Before you buy that though send me a picture of the threads on that adapter you bought next to the threading on your 2" eyepiece adapter or anything you have that does actually thread into the focuser. I'd like to see what the adapter's threads are seeing as I have no idea what else it could be.
Sounds like you may have the same scope as me. In the manual, it says you need a zero-profile prime focus adapter for photography. I use this one and it works fine:
Ok so This for the T adapter? The T ring I bought a while ago so I have that. I never bought the field flatener because I wasn't sure it was the correct attachment. I'll wait on that until I'm a bit more familiar with what I'm doing.
I also have a remote for my camera so I don't have to push the camera button. The intervolameter is amazing and I picked up one of those also.
Thanks so much for the help and guidance.
Hey guys, I've had a problem with focusing on my Orion 8" Astrograph f/4.9 that has plagued my astrophotography experience for over a year now. I'll get right to it.
I have an Orion 8" Astrograph f/4.9 that I use on top of a Dual-Axis Motor Controlled Atlas mount. It's NOT a GoTo mount, but rather just has a controller that allows me to move the scope. There are no plug-ins for anything besides the power cable and controller. I use a Canon T3 DSLR for taking photos.
Here are some pictures: http://imgur.com/a/raItu
I have done pretty well considering I only paid $270 for this setup, in total. It's worth much more than that. I have managed to get some very cool photos, as you can see if you look through my history.
Here's the catch, as well as the problem:
Most of these photos have been taken using a 3x Barlow. The 3x Barlow allows me to get up close and personal with objects such as Saturn and Jupiter. Without the 3x Barlow, I cannot achieve focus.
This album shows my problem. When removing the 3x Barlow, I cannot find a point where I can focus my camera. I have tried a number of low-profile adapters, as well as extension tubes and still cannot achieve focus. Here's an example of my frusturation:
Using the extention tubes showed no signs of hope. I wasn't able to see ANYTHING using the extension tubes, not even a sign of focus.
However, using the low-proflie adapters, I could see that I was very close to achieving focus. As my camera moved closer and closer to the focuser, the view was more clear.
If I complete remove all the adapters from my Crayford focuser and strip it down completely, I can achieve focus my holding my camera right up to the focuser. It blurs around the edges, but it works.
If you look at the last photo in this album I just posted, this is what the focuser looks like completely stripped down. Holding my camera up to that with no lens, I was able to take photos like this and this.
What adapter/focuser/corrector do I need so that I can achieve focus without using a Barlow on this telescope/holding my camera by hand up to the bare focuser?
Thanks for all the help that numerous people have offered me over the past while. Though it has been unsuccessful, I have appreciated it so much. Perhaps it is time for me to move onto a GoTo mount and a more modern, adaptable scope.
Edit: Here are some adapters I have tried:
Photo is hard but video will get some good results using your dob. I have a 12 that is close to yours and I do planetary by using this:
You should be able to screw your cameras tring